Today was the day. Marcella stared out her window of her carriage, an eager gleam in her eyes. Her foot tapped against the floor in giddy excitement, earning her a sharp glare from her [i]madre[/i]. Not that Marcella cared. Today was the day she was going to be free. Free from her parents, from the strict rules, from the gilded cage she called home. Today was the start of a new life——her life. As the school drew near, Marcella reached for her bag, tensing as her [i]madre's[/i] talon like hold gripped her arm. "Make us proud, [i]mi figlia[/i]," she whispered. Her tone was soft, but the meaning was clear: get a good job or else. Marcella forced a smile as her [i]madre[/i] released her hold. "Of course," she replied. [i]As if I had a choice.[/i] Taking a hold of her things, Marcella slipped out of the carriage and away from her [i]madre's[/i] icy gaze.