[@sassy1085] Briefly Tohru chuckled. My was this girl ever flustered. Yuuko, the drama club was indeed quite suitable to her, what with that performance she gave. Yet Tohru's laughter ceased when she heard the voice of Yomi, immediately bowing in respect, [color=6ecff6]"Yomi-senpai. I've...no idea honestly. I was on my way to the dorm hall when this girl attacked Rin-san, so I stepped in to save her."[/color] She had made sure to leave out everything else, how the real target was her, and how the two assassins, Yuki and Kaname, were actually students of Claymore themselves. True, they did deserve justice for their ill demeanor, but even so it was below a caliber such as Tohru's to besmirch anyone's honor.