[@Dmessenger] (Umm actually Daniella was saying that in her mind)) [color=ed145b][i]~Oh gods! Did I say that out loud? Curses, Daniella, you've betrayed yourself!~[/i][/color] A rather heated blush befell her pale cheeks, coyly her arms clasping around herself. [color=ed145b]~"Ahh umm...why yes."~[/color] She stammered, losing herself to that debonair smile of his. How she wished to see it every day. [color=ed145b]~"Tis a gift from my father, made by one of the finest seamstresses in the city. Do you like it?"~[/color] Daniella couldn't help but show off her fancy dress before him, albeit she had hoped she wasn't transmitting the wrong sort of signal so to speak. The act, it was quite akin to a peacock flouncing their feathers about.