[color=00a651]“Oi! You pansies!”[/color] Kamen Usagi took a step towards the shady men and tapped his bat on his shoulder a few times. [color=00a651]“You're going to get taught a lesson from the best. Kamen Usagi!”[/color] The men just stared back at him, “Is... this your turf man?” Though they couldn't see it, his lip and eye twitched at the thought. [color=00a651]“Oh you wanna play games...” [/color]His grip tightened around the base of the bat.[color=00a651] “WE'LL PLAY GAMES YA JERKS!!!”[/color] With a mighty swing, his bat came down upon one of the criminals. “Ow! Crap! The hell man!?” [color=00a651]“This is what you get!”[/color] Kamen Usagi didn't let up, he kicked another of the men into the alley wall and brought the bat down on the hooded man. He wasn't sure how much time had past, but he left the group of criminals battered, bruised and with a few lumps on their heads. [color=00a651]“Yeah! This is Kamen Usagi reportin in! I stopped some crime! The trash is at... Uh... fifth? And uh... it's an alley where i'm at. Just, scan the call or something!” [/color] He waited for a response from the other end. [color=00a651]“Yeah, you better freakin get here soon! I ain't waiting around all day! I did my hero thing!” [/color]He growled, man... it would be great to be like a B class hero or something, even just C-class... so he didn't have to go around and hero the small stuff everyday, then he could fight the big monsters, make the big bucks! Live in a giant ass mansion![color=00a651] “Yeah the sweet life.”[/color] He placed the tip of the bat on one of the villains heads and leaned on the base. [color=00a651]“Can't wait.”[/color]