Adrian continued checking the place out, but leaving the bedroom alone as he went to check the unpowered fridge, finding little more than a half-eaten jar of pickled herring, crackers, and spam. He frowned as he shut the door and continued going over what this person did and did not have, wondering if he'd even have to provide her with new clothes if she showed-up to work smelling a tad rank. As he opened the closet, the first thing he saw was a rather large sniper-rifle, which didn't totally bother him since even he kept a shotgun on his property, knives too... but as his eyes adjusted well enough to see her clothes, his jaw slightly opened in surprise to find her old test-subject uniform. Within moments of him opening the door, it was forced closed with a surprising amount of force and Joslyn was standing there staring at him. In her mind she only had two options, kill him or make sure he never talked about what he had seen. [color=green]"You shouldn't have opened that door,"[/color] she said, the barrel of her PMR-30 pressing into his torso as she kept her body relatively close to his, [color=green]"I really wish you hadn't because now I'm left with either one of two choices, I'm either going to have to kill you, or I am going to have to find it in myself to believe you won't say a word of what you saw to anyone."[/color] With her sunglasses off, Adrian was able to see exactly how serious she was, as long as he didn't get too side tracked by the fact that her eyes were mismatched. Even with the dull piece of metal pressed into his chest, Joslyn's proximity as she herself was pressed up against him as she gave the ultimatum; he didn't exactly feel as though he was in any immediate danger of being shot. She had the gun the whole time, and probably could've shot him from across the room... no, she was still looking for an excuse to let him live. So he gave her one. [color=a0410d]"[i]Orrrr[/i], you could just follow me around until you [i]do[/i] trust me, Josh. If you were found-out we'd be the first to know, better than waking-up to an entry-team in the middle of a night."[/color] He replied, suddenly realizing that she was so close to him not to try making a threatening face, [i]but to better conceal the noise of a gunshot[/i]. At this realization, he began to wonder if he could try disarming her, she was no killer, after-all...