Wow, okay so Looking at everyone elses very well fleshed out gods, i feel that mine is a little barebones. so without further ado. PREPARE TO BE UNDERWHELMED AT MY HUUUUUGGGGGEEELLLYYYYY AVERAGE PENMANSHIP [hider=Julkolfyr] [b]Name:[/b] Julkolfyr (yul-kul-feer) [b]Alias:[/b] The Lurking Shadow, The Laughing God, The Abyss From Which All Comes and All Returns To (not exactly his favorite) [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Domain (Portfolio):[/b] Darkness (Shadows) [b]Domain (Portfolio) Description:[/b]Darkness, a force present before an other in the beginning of the nascent creation, though one could hardly say a force. Darkness seemingly, ‘The lack of anything’, made it capable for all others after it to come into being, by being in direct contrast to it. It is all around, it fills that which has not been filled, casts a shadow on things not yet found and that which is hidden away, it is the night which cradles the resting creatures of the world, and ultimately highlights all creation. [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic neutral. Mostly indifferent, but dislikes things becoming too ‘stagnant’ and will, at times, see to it there is an upheaval of a kind whether for his own domain or for the world at large. To this end he is a bit nosy, poking his head into business that is not his own. [b]Personality:[/b] Julkolfyr dislikes being alone for any amount of time and seeks out others or creates them. However in direct contrast to this, he enjoys bouts of solitude seeking to simply be rather than deal with the intricacies of the others who he views as siblings, loving them yet at the same time quite annoyed and frustrated with them. He does not avoid conflicts and indeed is rather drawn to the conflict of others always adding a jape or two to alleviate the situation or make it worse, whatever he is feeling at the moment. [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Preferred form] [img][/img] [/hider] [hider=Humanoid form] [img][/img] [/hider] [b]Musical Theme:[/b] Spice added [b]Description:[/b] Julkofyr is the annoying big brother, always butting his head into the other gods matters, but also willing to give advice and an ear to listen. He will not back from a fight and will in fact when in the mood, playfully fight with jokes abound. He rarely worries and relies on his patience and fun-seeking to see him though creation. Though always trying to place a smile or a laugh on the face of his siblings or their creations, Julkolfyr does not shy away from placing a brute truth in front of them and may very well take it upon himself to teach them a lesson should a lesson need to be taught. [b]Concealment Level:[/b] did you read the OP? yep. 1 [b]Detection Level:[/b] did you read it properly? eeeehhhhhh debatable? 1 [/hider] PUT DOWN THINE CRITICISMS LEST I SCOUR YOU FROM EXISTENCE.