[center] [h3][color=HotPink]Evan[/color] [color=gold]'Sunshine'[/color] [color=HotPink]Smiles[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/t3gEonL.png?1[/img] [b][u]Market District[/u][/b] [/center] At a small clothing store somewhere on the east edge of the market district, a satisfied customer was taking their leave with two shopping bags in hand. The store name was called 'Evan's Wardrobe', which is not far off from where it originated. His designs attracted many women and had costumes for children, it was also hot spot for cosplayers. Being the only employee who works there currently, hurts his business since he has to balance his hours between being a hero and being a store clerk. [color=HotPink]"Thank you, come again!"[/color] Evan called out as he kindly waved goodbye to the happy customer. It was time for him to close up the store rather early and commence his daily hero objectives. Today's outfit he picked out is a penguin, he went over to the back and quickly got dressed then applied his face paint shortly afterwards. It was a rather simplistic design of a penguin's face, something you would commonly see on children during Halloween. After the preparations were done, Evan walked out of his store locking the doors and ran off to patrol the Market District area for a little bit. [i][color=HotPink]It's a really sunny day![/color][/i] Today's weather couldn't have made Evan any more happier. It really did put a smile on his face looking up at the sky thinking it was going to be another perfect day. After running around the Market District for awhile, he spotted no criminal activities at the moment, that is until he heard a yelp nearby the Meiko Mart. Evan was just around the corner (on the right side) from where he heard the sound, thinking that it was a cry for help, he was about to use his pyrokenitic flight ability to fly around the corner and deliver some sweet justice. That dream was crushed however, when shortly after he overheard a girl apologizing to another. He poked his head around the corner to observe the situation while being very noticeable to spot if they faced his direction. [i][color=HotPink]This doesn't look criminal.[/color][/i] Evan was just about to brush off this situation until he spotted a shady bunch in oversized long coats nearby. He was curious to what they were up to and focused his attention on them for the time being.