It was a night like any other, the sky was clear and filled with stars. There was a crescent moon shining down on the dark Earth. And even though it was a normal night, something special was going to happen that would effect the lives of people everywhere in the town of (...)*. Rabbit Holes opened up, and these weren't your regular rabbit holes from a silly story like Alice in Wonderland. No, these rabbit holes were portals through which souls from another wonderful realm sneaked through. They took possession of a few individuals, granting them a special power related to the one they had themselves. These spirits would take home in the persons mind and guide them to save the world that was slowly facing it's end. --------- Maybe a bit vague intro to post, but this is kinda what it is. You play as a regular human who gets possessed by an inhabitant of Wonderland, of course this excludes Alice, but she will become important later in the story. Although I have certain things planned nothing is set in stone as I like to work on this story together! May sounds lazy as a GM, but I don't want to control things too much, so the OOC is really to brainstorm ideas for the future of the rp. I haven't decided where to let it take place, normally I would go for a Japanese setting, but an AiW rp calls more for a British setting. -------- I have two lists of characters I'd like to see represented as spirits. The first list are priority characters, but if people want to take on second characters or if more people unexpectedly join they can also claim those. Gender of the character may be decided by you and doesn't have to follow the Alice in Wonderland canon. The ones I really wanted in are claimed, except for the Caterpillar. For the list of remaining spirits pls look at the Characters section. [hider=CS] Appearance Name: Age: Gender: Bio: a paragraph or two is enough Personality: you don't have to put anything long here, just a few words and we'll see the rest in the rp Spirit: the Alice in Wonderland character Abilities: don't go overboard, make them specialized in a certain thing, for example the White Rabbit can manipulate time or something [/hider]