[@sassy1085] [color=6ecff6]"Really I don't know if I can fight Asuka right now."[/color] Tohru sighed weakly. [color=6ecff6]"I'm too tired to even lift a sword, but I can't forfeit and give her the victory."[/color] It would be cowardice in her eyes, and in the eyes of those who adored her. Surrendering to Asuka would only give the red haired menace enough fuel to light the searing flames of Tohru's downfall. Still, with the resurgence of Chizuru's true murderers, surely Asuka's anger towards the girl had subsided. Wincing a little, Tohru gathered up her broken practice sword. She would need a new one anyways. [color=6ecff6]"I guess I'll have to grin and bear it then. Right, Rin-san?"[/color]