[@thewizardguy] [@Absolis] Listening from behind the main entrance to the throne room, two creatures, one human, and one reptillian, listen in on the argument growing...and decide, now would be the time to enter into the room. Malikai, the Head of the Guard marches in behind Darven, both of them seeming displeased, immensely. "The death of four million people? Nova, Abolis, what on earth has happened? What could of caused that level of death and destruction?" Darven asks. Malikai simply stares at Nova, and growls, once having been turned to nothing more than a small, cute chibi, harmless, save for his over-exaggerated bite, and his oddly accurate aim with a blaster rifle. "I'd say, it'd have to do with you, Nova...." Malikai growls, his disdain worn on his sleeves. However, in this disdain, fear hides....a fear, Nova could easily pick up on. "Malikai, behave....." Darven orders, and Malikai tenses up, before nodding. Fear, of not only him it seems. ".....I demand an explanation....now, from both of you. What happened to cost that many lives?" Darven asks, again, hoping to keep everyone on track.