[@Infichi] [center][h3][color=ed1c24]-Radon Yazama-[/color][/h3] [b][u]Abandoned Ginmura Neighborhood - South Region[/u][/b][/center] As this hero beats down these so called "criminals" with his own bat, he was unaware that Radon was watching the whole thing from the rooftops. And he wasn't too pleased at this whole delima, in fact, he was actually disgusted. A hero beating on innocent men minding their own business? And even if they were in fact criminals, they're weren't disrupting peace, especially in places like this. Are these what heroes are doing these days? After he beaten these men, he began to discuss on the phone various, having such a fiery and rude attitude. Like what, "the sweet life"? That sounds utterly bullshit. "Can't wait" he says. All he did was disrupt peace around his neighborhood residence, nothing more. And that's something Radon hates the most. He should teach this young inexperienced hero a lesson. [b][color=ed1c24]"You call this 'hero duty'?"[/color][/b] he remarks to Kamen on the rooftop in a very displeased growl, [b][color=ed1c24]"You call beating up regular innocent people, minding their own business in life, '[b]HERO[/b] duty'? You heroes are so full of yourselves these days... it disgusts me."[/color][/b]