[b][i][u][h1]Hauchefort de Rochefort[/h1][/u][/i][/b] [b][i][h3]"When I grow up, I'm gonna be like Martin! No wait, I wanna be as smart as Catherin! Wait no..."[/h3][/i][/b] [hider=Appearance] [img][/img][/hider] Thus far, Hauchefort has grown into a kind of plump child, definitely taking an appearance similar to his father's in his younger age. His brown hair is bushy, and almost refuses to stay combed in any way that can be called "neat." His parents have a habit of putting clothes on him that look a little too large on him for about a week before becoming too small the next. The royal launderers are quite baffled at this, and don't know whether to blame it on shrinkage from hot water or on the prince's eating habits. He's otherwise a [b][u]Age[/u][/b] 6 [b][u]Sex[/u][/b] Male [b][u]Personality[/u][/b] [i]Alignment[/i] True Neutral He's an indecisive kid, one who doesn't have a lot in the way of convictions just yet. His parents fear that he will grow up as morose as Delia, or even as wicked and mischievous as Elin. So far, it's not clear even to Hauchefort what he wants to be. It's clear that he is a happy kid who doesn't really see much wrong with the world yet, other than the occasional gripe about discipline every now and then. His favorite sibling as far as idolization goes is Prince Martin; as far as sibling rivalries go, he thinks he has one with Elin, though Elin doesn't quite see it that way. He doesn't know Catherin too well, especially after she began her apprenticeship -- he takes literally her nickname of "The Tower Princess," thinking that she is literally trapped in a tower somewhere. He knows Delia as a very kind and doting older sister. He knows Elin as a bit of a jerk, but with a soft side ... somewhere. In return, his siblings all regard him as someone to be protected at all costs, as much as he's embarrassed when someone like Martin or Elin express that fact. [b][u]Biography[/u][/b] Hauchefort has not lived for very long, and without much in the way of incident. He has hopes and dreams, though being third in line for the throne has hampered them somewhat. He [i]does[/i] agree with Delia to a degree that there are fissures forming in the family as they try to get accustomed to the darkness encroaching upon Ashkandi, but he is so innocent as to think that his elder brother alone is heroic enough to fight the darkness on his own. Hope is the one thing that Hauchefort clings to the strongest.