[@deanmachin] [color=f7941d]"A...Are...you....eswha? Who do you think you are?! You insignificant boy! Fight a Real threat!"[/color] Irene was shouting indignantly at the wannabe Hero. She spun the blades in her hand as she walked toward him. Tunnel vision for fighting this kid made her unaware of the more powerful hero who was actually fighting the beast. If this hero was going to be dishonorable and not fight, she would make him. Irene turned towards the on-lookers who believed they were safe. Two heros fighting a threat out of the way of buildings was safe, Some of the residents were filming the whole thing on their phones! How rude could the public be? A demented smile formed behind the mask as she walked toward the group. A few realized the threat and ran away, the rest were dumb enough to think she was not a Villain. Irene walked up close to one guy who was taking selfies with the fight in the background. A fiendish thought occurred. She envisioned the monster charging straight that man; he then ran away in terror, her illusions worked again. Any of the populace who took selfies with life threatening combat going on are weak and could not hope to combat her mental abilities. She walked closer to the crowd and started slicing phones. [color=f7941d]"Weaklings! Call upon your Heros to save you before I start going for heads!"[/color] her voice proclaimed loudly.