[center][u][b]The Beach[/b][/u][/center] "Raaagh!" CrocoKill snarled as a fist slammed into its chin. It staggered back for a moment, before its yellow eyes fixed on the armored hero who had delivered that blow. It was the first time a human had ever managed to lay a hand on it! ... Granted it was the first time it had ever fought a human, but still. It was furious! The crocodilian monster lept back several meters, sand tossed up under its clawed feet as it hunched down on all fours. Its throat inflated, displaying that it had some sort of pouch in its neck... and when it opened its mouth, and blast of water, strong enough to tear through steel and obliterate flesh, tore from its gaping maw. At least, until something hit it in the back. It was hard enough to be aggravating and painful, but CrocoKill's back was hardly easy to injure. Like the animal it resembled, the monster's back was armored, and difficult to harm. Crocokill snarled and waved one hand in a bid to backhand its assailant. [hr] [center][u][b]Market District[/b][/u][/center] The girl had a really bad reaction... She' screwed up really bad, hadn't she? Reika had blundered right into the other girl and she seemed really upset... Reika stared at the ground, looking away from the other girl as she complained, and mentioned she was 'letting her off lightly', but... that wasn't really okay, was it? The girl didn't know, but... Reika was supposed to be a hero, and heroes didn't just clumsily bump into people and stuff, right? With how fast she was going, it actually could have hurt the other girl, too! Reika shuffled her feet, awkwardly, small humming sounds coming from her hoverskates. After taking another deep breath, she looked over her shoulder at the girl as she was passing. "I-Is... is there any way I c-can make it up to you?" she asked. She was in a hurry, but... Reika felt wrong if she didn't make any kind of effort. She had to. Being a hero was about doing the right thing, right? "... S-sorry, I just... sh-should have been paying more attention, u-um... a-and with these hoverskates I could h-have hurt you!" It was hard talking to people sometimes, but... she really felt bad about this! Meanwhile, the figures in longcoats seemed to be... milling about, not particularly doing anything unusual... but still, something seemed rather fishy.