[@deanmachin][@VitaVitaAR][@Xiphonic] [center][h3][color=fff200]-Ellis Newman-[/color][/h3] [b][u]The Beach[/u][/b][/center] That punch seemed to have taken the monster by surprise. Just to be expected. Ellis' fists were still up in case Crocokill was going to issue a counter attack, but alas he instead began to back off a few meters. However, he knew that he wasn't going to retreat just yet. Suddenly, it's throat began to inflate, which seems to indicate that like other crocodilians, that it had a pouch of some sort. Ellis realized that it was going to unleash some sort of ranged attack. Then it suddenly fired a high powered force of water, which at that speed could rip through steel. However, his suit's armor is made of a titanium-allow, a metal that is stronger than steel, but lighter than ordinary steal. He places his two arms in front of his face as the beam made contact. It wouldn't be strong enough to cut through his suit, but the blast would still push him a few meters himself. Yet suddenly, he happens to hear a voice, a friendly voice, nearby. [i]"Oi! Hero man! Don't take all of the fun!"[/i] Ellis then looks up, only to have beam of water dissipate as he sees a young man try and combat the monster himself. He looks like a hero, but yet he doesn't remember seeing him in the HQ. While he's indeed trying his best, compared to Crocokill, he'll get obliterated if he gets too close to one of its giant punches. [color=fff200]"Oi!"[/color] he remarks towards the boy, [color=fff200]"Thanks for the assist, but this ain't your fight mate! This creature is outta your league, I have everything under control here!"[/color] And with that, he fires four missiles from the suit's back, which home in on the beast itself. Suddenly, Ellis also happens to hear some panicked screams coming from behind him. Looking back, the hero finds a black-cladded person slicing people's phones and saying something about going for their heads. This should suit the new hero well enough. [color=fff200]"Mate!"[/color] he then says to him, [color=fff200]"There's a villain to the south end of the beach, not more then 20 meters away! Take care of that villain and I'll take care of this bloody brute!"[/color]