[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/sajzIOl.png[/img][/center] Arthur Wick was in the main courtyard, assembling with the horde of students to hear the headmaster's words. Of course a small piece of paper found its way to his pocket, and he sighed when he read it. Riddles were something Arthur hated, he knew well enough to not even bother trying to figure it out he'd just get angry and burn something down. Before he could make his way to the library to meet up with the students that were to make up his team however a hand rested on his shoulder as a beautiful women stood behind him. He hadn't even noticed her until she was right behind him, how could that happen, and she was talking to him as if she knew him. And then she mentioned that brief time after his battle with the dragon. Dammit, Arthur thought he had managed to cut all the ties to that part of his life, it was a festering wound and now this women from it was talking to him. [color=9e0b0f]"I'm sorry, do I know you?"[/color] the pyromancer asked. The Valkyrie let out a soft chuckle at his reaction and gently removed her hand from Arthur's shoulder. She smirkes slightly at his question yet let him stand guessing for a while before she illunined him with an answer. [color=orchid]"Aahh... I'm but a ghost of the past... Don't worry your kids are well looked after while I ran off to find their foolish father"[/color] she replied sarcastically. She then gently reached reached out her hand to him. [color=orchid]"You've been living away from that moment for a long time haven't you?"[/color] she said as she walked past him slightly. She then glanced back to him and smirked again. [color=orchid]"Come my Einherjar, let us see if we cannot refresh that memory of yours"[/color]she said and started walking off to a more private less crowded location. Arthur stood there a moment as the women talked, nearly jumping at the mention of kids before catching himself, sarcasm. The women started to walk off, to lead Arthur somewhere. Arthur couldn't argue with that though, he hardly needed students seeing this, more so if this women was really from that part of the past. This couldn't be anything good Arthur decided as he followed the strange women. As the two reached a more private place, seemingly an currently unused teachers lounge. Then the Valkyrie sank down by a table and looked at Arthur from across it. [color=orchid]"Now... I suppose we can get down to business. I am... Hmm, how to put it... I Come from nordic tales, take warrior souls to my lord. I live in a castle of gold across the Rainbow bridge..."[/color] she would say. Arthur would hold up one hand, before saying, [color=9e0b0f]"A Valkyrie."[/color] Going to get a cup of coffee Arthur calls over, [color=9e0b0f]"You drink coffee? I admit I've always loved norse tales, almost as much as the greek. Valkyrie though, don't tell me your here to collect my soul preemptively or something."[/color] Arthur joked as he brought the warmed pot over to the table where mugs were ready. The Valkyrie let out a warm soft chuckle and gave Arthur a single nod in return. [color=orchid]"Right you are~... No need for this guise anymore than"[/color] she said as she suddenly threw off her currently worn clothes to reveal her armor and wings that she had concealed earlier. [color=orchid]"Well, yes... I suppose a cup of coffee or two won't defeat me..." [/color] she said and kicked back a notch to relax. [color=orchid]"But no... You needeth not to worry my Einherjar, I am not here to collect your soul, yet. I've simply come here to remind you about our contract"[/color] she said and took her cup to drink. Arthur drank from the cup as the angelic women spoke. She was truely beautiful that much was for certain, past him had good tastes. And the fact that she wasn't here for his soul was comforting as well, though her next sentence was far more of a shock. Contract. Either Arthur made a really bad buisness deal with her, or she was his familiar. At least he had something to drink this time. Arthur sat there emotionless for a few moments before taking a nice long sip, looking to the side, and spitting the liquid out. Regaining his composer the mage looked back to the Valkyrie, [color=9e0b0f]"Well, that explains why you keep calling me your Einherjar. So... I have no idea how to respond, how should I be responding again?"[/color] Arthur asked. Joulie did quite understand his shock in this, yet found it very amusing as he took a while to spit his coffee out in realization. [color=orchid]" Joulie... You can call me that if you wish"[/color] she replied and shrugged slightly before slipping at her cup for a while before turning her attention back to Arthur. [color=orchid]"I left you to your own business in the past as I didn't want to meddle with your life choices... And now when you seem like a proper man, I have returned."[/color] she told him giving him a moment to take the information in before continuing. [color=orchid]"I promised to aid you in your struggles if you needed me, and you would serve me when I called for you in kind... But by the laws around here I would assume I would be your familiar or so to speak"[/color] she told him before flicking her hair back. Arthur nodded slowly as the women confirmed what he had thought. [color=9e0b0f]"Yes that would be so. Frankly though I still have no idea what to think, to hear that so many years ago during a time I try to forget, not very hard to forget considering how much of that time was spent drunk, that I sealed a contract with a Valkyrie. It is a bit to process."[/color] Arthur said before taking another sip of coffee. [color=9e0b0f]"So, what now? Do you need anything or?..."[/color] Arthur asked. She fell silent a while as she used her hand to conjure something out of light, a bottle materialized and she went ahead to pour its contents into her empty cup. [color=orchid]"Yes, I understand that you might need some time, and I assure you that time, is a resource of which I have plenty." [/color] she said before sipping on her mug again. [color=orchid]"But no, to put it simple I've come for no ulterior reasons than those I've already told you. I believe its high time you remember this bond we now share, and I don't doubt that your mature and wise enough to put this new... Asset to good use"[/color] she said as she sighed. Arthur shared her sigh, before saying,[color=9e0b0f] "I know this will sound rude, but how did we meet again exactly, I'd like to think I'd remember something like that but my damn brain won't tell me."[/color] Arthur said between sips of coffee. He soon found his mug empty, and found himself asking, [color=9e0b0f]"And what's in that bottle if I may be so rude? Is it any good?"[/color] Joulie glanced to the bottle in her hand then shrugged before reaching it over to pour its contents into Arthurs cup. [color=orchid]"Its a long tale I would say, but the short version is that I attended the feast to the dragon slayer. I had been chasing it for some time and you were the hero who had slain it.[/color] she replied as she sipped on her drink once more. [color=orchid]"It's a, well. Wine of the Gods you may call it... Drinking it may give you a hint of those memories... Or just get you tipsy. Who knows"[/color] she said and chuckled slightly. She then leaned back and got comfy. [color=orchid]"We spoke that night... I believe you were quite sober, and with nothing better to do you suggested for me to contract with you... It was strange thing to ask, but I let you none the less and we completed the bond..."[/color] she explained as she thought about it. Arthur took a long drink, tasting the flavors of the alcohol. Curious, good certainly, but curious. [color=9e0b0f]"You'd think I remember something like that. You say completed the bond? We didn't... did we?... How do I say this without sounding like an awkward mortal?"[/color] Arthur asked as he took another sip from the curious liquor. Joulie watched him drink the wine with curiosity, somewhat she had expected something more interesting to happen but she figured the tales about mortals and divine brews were just tall tales. As he questioned the bonding thing she raised a brow wondering what he wanted to imply, then she wanted to guess but refrained from it. [color=orchid]"You may speak plainly, after all I am your familiar."[/color] she replied somewhat curious about what he would say. Taking a long drink from his cup Arthur would say, in a hush tone, [color=9e0b0f]"I really don't like talking about this kind of thing. I did it a lot during that time though I really should ask."[/color] A swig, downing the last of the drink in his cup, [color=9e0b0f]"Did we, Joulie, have... intercourse?"[/color] Well Joulie had to admit that the question per-se was a bit awkward even if her guess had mostly been on the point. She thought about it before replying as she didn't want to give any hasty replies to such a heavy question. [color=orchid]"I'm uncertain if I can confirm or deny that question... What do you want to believe if I may ask?. Do you really seek the truth?. Or does your mind tell you something else?"[/color] she replied to his question with a question, perhaps she didn't want to meddle with what his head told him. Arthur would then hang his head back, his hat somehow managing to hang on somehow despite what gravity might say otherwise. [color=9e0b0f]"I really just want to stop thinking about it to be honest, but without an honest answer I'll never stop guessing."[/color] Then Arthur would stand up, without any real warning. [color=9e0b0f]"The Magus games are still a thing though. I'm sorry but we should cut this short, I've decided to team up with some students this year and it would be a shame if they begin to think I abandoned them. You could come along if you like."[/color] Arthur would then turn to walk out of the room before stopping at the door, if the Valkyrie intended to follow then he would hold the door upon for her, it was the gentlemanly thing to do after all. The Valkyrie smiled to him as he replied, then nodded to him as he didn't seem to get over the question or guess enough for they to put it behind them. Then as he stood and explained the situation as she got up as well. [color=orchid]"...Yes Arthur... Numerous times. I was only a shout away, and you were a lust filled man... The illusions of other females... Those were also all me as I didn't want to let you disgrace me by doing it with others."[/color] she replied and sighed. She then walked over to him, [color=orchid]"Its curious how you charmed me... You gave me something I haven't felt in a long time"[/color] she replied as she walked out the door. She then laughed softly. [color=orchid]"Should we go see your students them?... I'm sure that will be fun."[/color] she mentioned before concealing her Vslkyrian features again with a Kimono. [color=9e0b0f]"Just, just don't mention what I was like back then to the kids eh?"[/color] Arthur said as he stepped out of the room behind his familiar. All Joulie added was a small laugh [color=orchid]"That you've been young?..."[/color] she teased and walked off with him.