Ethan Ethan checked the last text message he received as he got into the vehicle with the others. It was from his wife, and read: "Go to where we brought the boys horse riding that one time, find us there!" Hope struck him as he smiled with joy. 'They're still alive!' he thought. Putting the landrover in gear, he got ready to go. "Is he coming with us?" Ethan asked of the fat man pissing his pants. He would only wait a few moments longer, as the infected began to crack the doors glass. Johnny Not to long after, the rural areas of the farmlands came into view. It went on for miles, which meant it was a good place to hide. The only problem was everyone and their mother probably was thinking the same. Johnny pulled his motorcycle parallel to Frank's and spoke to them as they continued to ride. "What was your name again, kid?" he asked. "You did good back there, but now you're up again. These people know you, lead us in. Frank, whatever happens, we watch out for each other. That's the only way we're going to get through this."