Throughout the day Paul was beginning to seriously question if he was just going insane or if something was seriously going on his clothes. Though after awhile he stopped wondering about the clothes and more himself. Sure he was still a growing young man, but he was pretty sure he couldn't bang his forehead against the top of the door going into his social studies class. What made it weirder was he didn't come close to banging his head against the door on the way out later. Internally Paul was questioning if he should go to the doctor, is there a science for this kind of height changing stuff? As the final period came to a close the PA speakers was an announcement, asking for an unusual amount of students to come to the head office. Amongst them Oliver MacIntyre, Paul Lombardi, Thomas Fan, Lyra York, Danielle Hale, Derek Quintanilla, Jefferson Ween, Eric Pierce, Carol Ronick, and even a teacher in Ms. Velmont. Paul heard the announcement and there was a shiver of fear going through him. He was a pretty good student all things considered. So being called to the Principle's office was a bit weird. Paul felt pretty small with everyone looking at him, and in reality he was very slowly shrinking in height. Finally when he got to the Principle's office he had to wait in his office, he wasn't there, and Paul was left to be quietly waiting as he didn't realize what was happening to him.