A WIP. Name: Ryūko Drake Appearance: [url=http://orig00.deviantart.net/8819/f/2016/044/6/8/2016_02_13_21_44_17_by_jettryu-d9rnngw.png]Image[/url] Age: 17 Personality: Ryūko tends to be quiet and standoffish. Overall she is a bit shy and a bit of a nerd (though she tries to hide this fact), but polite nonetheless. She is quite intelligent, and tends to be bored in her classes since she gets her work done quickly. Often she can be seen reading, writing, listening to music, or playing on her 3DS. Ryūko gets along with her teachers, and is more comfortable around people older than her than with her peers. Interestingly enough she gets nervous around women she finds attractive. Despite all of this, many of these traits seem to "switch off" when in combat, or practice. Year: 2nd year Background: Ryūko comes from a mixed family... well, with her being the mixed one in the family. Her mother is native-born Japanese, and her father was a member of the United States Air Force. The two met when he was stationed at Yokota Air Force Base, and they married two years later. Ryūko primarily grew up in America, and moved around a lot. When her father died in an accident, her mother decided that they would move back to Japan. In addition to what her mother taught her, Ryūko undertook self-imposed "lessons"... in the form of studying anime and manga. Her first year at Claymore was extremely hard due to anime and manga cliches (for example, she showed up her first day with a piece of toast in her mouth), but as time went on she kind of faded into the background as a model student. The only exception happened to be her sword fights. Keychain: [url=http://g01.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB1UHcIKpXXXXaNXFXXq6xXFXXX1/Unique-Huge-Heavy-Clasp-316L-Stainless-Steel-Mens-font-b-Dragon-b-font-font-b-Keychain.jpg]Image[/url] Sword: [url=http://img08.deviantart.net/d9cb/i/2016/044/2/8/fury_s_song_by_jettryu-d9ra6wk.jpg]Olympia[/url]; hand-and-a-half sword Club: None Theme: what is your theme song? normal theme: battle theme: