Where others would have looked at the Borealis as a run down death trap that would most likely be the death of them all (And it was easy to see why most people would see that), Duuka felt quiet at ease walking through it's hallways and rooms; The ship reminded him on Omega, only with a much lower risk of being murdered by some random ganger or suffering some other kind of 'accident'. It felt like a better version of home! He wasn't just wondering the halls and rooms for no reason through; He was getting a lay out of the territory, taking special note of defensive locations and trying to locate any possible security system that the ship [i]might[/i] have possessed. Granted it was doubtful that there was anything like that (At least not in working condition) but it gave him something to do and it gave him a perfect opportunity to get to know his new home... and learn a bit about his fellow crew members. There were humans, turians, asari, a batarian, a blue drell and a krogan... but the one that stood out most in his mind was the quarian. Besides his mother Si he had only met the odd pilgrim that had been traveling through Omega on their pilgrimage and the opportunity to meet another one of his mothers people was an opportunity that he wasn't going to pass up. Of course he would have to find her first, but it wasn't a big ship; It was going to happen sooner or later.