[color=saddlebrown][h1][i]Dylan Cox[/i][/h1][/color] [img]http://i2.wp.com/www.towleroad.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/manbun.png?zoom=4&resize=338%2C389[/img] Quote: "We're like your guardian angels" Name: Dylan Cox Age: 35 Gender: Male Height: 6'7" Weight: 255 Ethnicity: Caucasian Sexuality: Straight Religion: Agnostic Occupation: Personal trainer Ability: Vector Manipulation - The user can change the magnitude and direction (vector) of an object to maneuver it in the desired way, regardless of preexisting vectors. This also applies to static or non-moving objects, because technically speaking the object still has momentum as it is moving through space. Since nearly everything in existence has vectors, manipulation of them can essentially grant the user an "Absolute Defense" that prevents the user from being harmed, among many other possibilities. Personality: When on the job Dylan is a motivating individual with charisma. But when he's not working he keeps to himself. He's the guy you ask, why are you so quiet? Even though his sister has chosen to hunt down evos and kill them like animals, he is very protective of his little sister. The more you get to know him the more he comes out of his shell. Background: Dylan grew up with his sister and his mother until one day they went to the bank, and their mother didn't come back. He was devastated at the loss of his mother and was not afraid to shed many tears for her. After the incident they were taken to their Aunts to live with. Dylan had other plans though. It took Dylan some time, but after 2 years he had gotten a job and saved up money to move away. He couldn't stand to be in the same town his mother died in, so he moved as far away as possible. Shortly after he had moved away Dylan was walking home late one night after a party. He had a few to drink and felt it better to be safe than sorry. While walking home he thought he heard another pair of footsteps following him, but every time he looked back there was nothing. Until suddenly he heard a voice tell him to hand over everything. Holding his head high he turned around to look at his attacker. The attacker told him he should stop and continue facing the other way but Dylan didn't listen. And as soon as a he turned to look at the mugger a gunshot was fired. Inches away from his face the bullet suddenly ricocheted off of what seemed to be nothing. This was his first time using his ability, it scared both him and the thief though. The thief ran off not sure what to make of this madness and Dylan stood there in awe of what had just occurred. He tried to figure out what had happened to him but kept on ending up empty handed. As the years passed he made contraptions to fire rocks and such at him while he would attempt to do what he did the night he was mugged. There were many failed attempts before he was able to redirect the rocks that were shot at him. Even more years passed and he realized that he wasn't just able to deflect bullets or incoming projectiles. He could just simply move things if he wanted. Luckily he got years of practice in before they started testing to see who were evos and who weren't. After that the evos had to be registered. Dylan went from feeling pretty good to being a monkey on a chain. Shortly after they started registering evos he was contacted by his sister, telling him she was an evo as well. He hadn't heard from her since he moved out on his own. He was joyous to know she had abilities, and he told her of his own. Unfortunately she wasn't as happy as he. She told him of her offer to work with Quantum and he told her she shouldn't do it. He assumed she would do it anyways, but he had chosen a different path. He wanted to help the evos not kill them. Hating the evos because they had killed mother was like hating all gun owners because someone has killed with a gun. It didn't make sense to him, but he couldn't even imagine the horror she must have witnessed. He would do what he could for the evos but should worse come to worse, his little sister was his number one priority.