[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/RUK31cH.png[/img][/center] The rest of the week was rather less sucessful than his first two days. After seeing Iravis and Sorcha, it seemed most of the other ladies couldn't really compare. Not to say he didn't try for them as well, but his heart, fickle as it was, wasn't in it. Classes were slightly less boring than he'd anticipated, but not as exciting as he would've liked. No more eraser attacks happened, which came with a mix of relief and disappointment. Alucard's dorm was now a storehouse for all the cooking supplies he kept and the various trinkets which he used for wooing. He'd anticipated the start of the Magus Games to be some sort of massive deathmatch to weed out most of the competition but apparently it was some sort of riddle instead. Kind of boring, but at least he'd been paired with Iravis and Lyssa, keeping this in mind he made sure to pack plenty of sweets in his box. He never had gotten around to getting a date with the demon. [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/oux2qcf.jpg[/img][/center] Lyssa and Iravis had just finished hearing the speech, Iravis' eagle eyes staring at the lances of ice high in the sky for a few moments. But as they disappeared in the sunlight the Phoenix's attention returned to the mission. Iravis looked at the note, the scholar working through her memories to see if she could figure it out. Lyssa, was completely confused. A riddle master, she was not, and the hint definitely wasn't much of a hint to her. So she looked at the paper, and simply frowned at it as she tried to make sense of it. [color=salmon]"Do any answers cross your thoughts?"[/color] Iravis said, looking up at her follower to see if she had any ideas. [color=f6989d]"Well, I'm thoroughly confused, so if being confused is the answer I think I'm doing good."[/color] Lyssa replied. [color=f6989d]"Sorry, Iravis, riddles aren't really my thing."[/color] [color=salmon]"Its name does mean confusion, so perhaps you are the treasure."[/color] The goddess spoke with a sly grin on her face as the two began to walk towards the library, seeking answers. Lyssa only giggled in response as she followed Iravis towards the Library. She wondered if her spider friend was there today...she could definitely help with this little riddle, probably. As they walked, Iravis spotted the Oni and began to greet her companion for this adventure. [color=salmon]"Arata, the winds ..."[/color] But the Phoenix stopped speaking midway through her greeting as she noticed danger nearby. Next to the Oni was a bird's natural enemy, a cat. Iravis wordlessly stepped behind Lyssa, hoping the beast would consume the hellion first and give herself time to escape it's vicious claws. You didn't have to be faster than your predator, just faster than the slowest prey. [hr] WHERE. THE. FUCK. WAS. HIS. WAR. A treasure hunt? They were supposed to be fucking vagrant bandits, hopping around the planet on the whims of the Director, solving a fucking riddle? What did this have to do with magic? What did this have to do with fighting? Adventuring was fine, but really? This was the 'festival of blood and violence' that the midget representative promised him?! Arata seethed, his internal core raging with the flames of Yomi as he repressed his hatred. He couldn't even fucking read these bullshit scribbles, and out of pure spite, the oni crushed it in his hand and tossed it in his mouth, chomping up and down until it became mere scraps. A frustrated scream erupted out of him, a howl of 1000 tortured souls, something that extended until his face turned blue. The headmaster explained what they would be doing in the upcoming event and they all had gotten a piece of paper with a riddle wroten on it. Shino mindlessly looked at the piece of paper but couldn't make anything out of it. With her face covered in confusion she looked up at Arata that had been right besides her since the start of the game. She lightly tucked on his cloak as she asked him something. [color=fff79a]"Hey hey Arara-han, what do these word mean. Shino doesn't understand."[/color] The oni sighed, scratched the back of his head, and turned to Shino.[b]"No idea,"[/b] he admitted, [b]"Can't read and all."[/b] Her face scrunched up once more when she tried figuring out what the piece of paper meant but nothing came out of her. Shino felt like she was being watched from close by, her sixth sense must have figured that one out. Shino curiously looked up at the red haired woman. Why was she trying to hide behind the horned girl? Something wasn't right here. She could clearly smell a bird kind of smell from the girl or at least close by but there wasn't a bird nearby as far as she could see. Her expression became covered with only more confusion. [color=fff79a]"Ara?"[/color] Shino headed closer to the girl and walked around the bird and the demon girl once trying to find the bird. Her head swinging from left to right as she searched but still nothing. Shino had a troubled look on her face as she looked at the red haired woman. Iravis kept on walking around Lyssa, trying to maintain an object between herself and the cat. Lyssa, having no idea what was going on, simply stood there with a somewhat troubled expression. [color=fff79a]"Hey hey miss fire, do you have birds at home? Shino smells bird."[/color] Thankfully, there were people who could, in fact, read. Arata waved at Iravis and the pink-haired...oh, another oni? didn't look too strong though. [b]"Heyo, Iravis and pink-hair. Mind reading the riddle out for us? Probably won't do me any good anyways, but hey, maybe it's a riddle of the Land of the Rising Sun."[/b] Oni, it seemed, were rather bipolar. Maybe because there were only red oni and blue oni. Iravis was a little too busy dancing around Lyssa to be able to pay attention to Arata. [color=salmon]"Miss Fire cannot divine what you speak of little kitten, the gods might grant you better luck elsewhere."[/color] [color=f6989d]"But aren't you a bird, Iravis?"[/color] Lyssa questioned, not realizing that was probably a bad idea. Iravis shot the demon a glare in an attempt to burn through the hellion with the fire of a thousand suns as a final act of vengeance before her demise. [color=fff79a]"Ehhh, you talk funny nya."[/color] Shino tilted her head and placed both her hands bundled together behind her back. How could she not have anything to do with birds if she completely lingered from the smell of them. Shino got a little closer to the pair and sniffed a little better. When the demon woman let something slip from her mouth. [color=fff79a]"Bird? But Ivanis-han doesn't look like a bird nya. Birds have wings you know."[/color] [color=salmon]"See Lyssa, Promethus has blessed this girl with wisdom! You won't be able to fool her!"[/color] The Phoenix thought she had been saved, but Arata started a downward spiral in the conversation. Arata smiled tersely. [b]"So if you remove the wings from a bird, what does it become? Food?"[/b] Shino flapped with both her hands pretending to be a bird just to make it clear and turned her head towards Arata while being in the same position. [color=fff79a]"Land bird nya?"[/color] [b]"Chicken dinner."[/b] [color=fff79a]"How do you make roasted chicken Arara-han?"[/color] [b]"Remove the wings and set it on fire, Shino-chan~"[/b] [color=fff79a]"So you only have to make it stop flying and make it hot and it will be like the roasted bird in the advertisements nya?"[/color] Arata wasn't helping, and it was clear Iravis was becoming a little nervous about becoming this little girl's next snack if they kept talking like this. Lyssa didn't seem interested in the conversation about the best way to cook Iravis. She'd probably taste horrible anyways. Probably Spicy. Instead, the demon focused on the cat-person in front of her. Leaving Iravis defenseless, she approached the cat, and did what she did to any adorable thing she met. She attempted to wrap it in a hug. [color=f6989d]"Eee, you're so adorable!~" [/color] She placed a hand on Shino's head, and started petting her. For once, Iravis was happy Lyssa had decided to hug something. The demon girl suddenly began to make her move after she hadn't moved a horn up till now. Unexpectidly the girl started hugging Shino. She was close enough unable for Shino to even dodge. Shino immediatly tensed up and wasn't able to move a muscle anymore. How could she escape this woman her grip. Maybe if she just asked kindly to the woman and it would be all over. [color=fff79a]"Please d-don't nya."[/color] [b]"Yeah,"[/b] Arata echoed, placing a hand on the female oni's shoulder, [b]"Please don't."[/b] [color=f6989d]"But she's so adorable!"[/color] Lyssa replied, not immediately letting go, turning her head slightly to Arata. Why did all the things she found adorable, not like hugs? [b]"Shino-chan's been through some troubling times. Understand."[/b] [color=f6989d]"Oh alright."[/color] Lyssa pouted, letting go of the cat. Shino immediately jumped a few feet back covering both her ears and her tail between her legs. [color=fff79a]"I don't mind nya but please don't be rash."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Sorry, Shino."[/color] Lyssa apologized. [color=f6989d]"I'm Lyssa, by the way! Iravis' roommate."[/color] After watching Lyssa completely fumble in handling a Child of Bastet, a little fire entered the Phoenix's blood and the fear was pushed down as the Goddess realized that such a tiny helpless kitten wouldn't be a threat to a magnificent bird such as herself. Her culture had practically worshiped cats and seeing her hellion friend mishandle a chosen one made a little wrath enter her body despite her fears. Felines were essential for preventing death and disease, and households who had several tended to live longer and have less infants peril in their earliest years. But the understanding had soon been cleared up as an honest mistake, and Iravis forced herself not to hold it against Lyssa who had been acting like ... Lyssa. Shino moved her hands away from her ears as they jumped up a little and twitched about a little. She saw that the girl felt sorry for Shino and carefully moved closer to her. When she was close enough she would lightly stroke her fluffy ears against the stomach of Lyssa. [color=fff79a]"Shino sees that Lyssa-han wants Shino's service nya." Services? Lyssa wasn't entirely sure what she was talking about, but the other guy interrupted before she could ask.[/color] Before things could escalate any further, the oni clapped his hands together, and said, [b]"Shino-chan, are you still hungry? If you want something to eat, I'm willing to pay for it...after you hold your part of the bargain. You're going to get the wrong type of master if you do stuff like this, you know?"[/b] Geez, was it spring already? He really didn't need a partner in the heat right now. Shino moved her head over towards Arata as he startled her with quite a loud clap. Shino gave a quiet nod at him. [color=fff79a]"Shino needs food to live, Momma taught Shino that."[/color] Arata was talking about Shino doing the wrong thing but Shino didn't have a clue on what was wrong with it. [color=fff79a]"Shino saw people with pretty clothes do it. They asked their master if they could be of service and got drinks and food for them. They also dance very pretty. Isn't that what people do to masters?"[/color] The talk of Shino being possibly in a whorehouse sent her over the edge however. It was very obvious why the cat girl was uncomfortable being petted. The red haired girl kneeled down in front of the child and spoke as calmly as she could manage. [color=salmon]"Shino, Child of Bast, do you know what those people were named?"[/color] If any fires were nearby, they would probably suddenly raise in height. Off to the side, Arata let out a long sigh. He sorta wanted to say something, to set Shino's impression of what masters were right, but as it stood, looked like the flaming chicken was pissed now. What an unfocused team. At least the Night Parade knew when to party and when to fight. Something in the back, something in the back smelled and felt like fire. Shino shivered from her sixth cat sense. What was this power. The red haired woman walked up to her after having evaded her up till now and talked to her. [color=fff79a]"Shino doesn't know, why nya?"[/color] Lyssa understood one thing now. She may have seriously hurt the poor cat from the way she understood the conversation. That made her a bit sad, but more than anything it made her a tad bit upset, even if her face was still plastered with her usual smile. If she ever met one of these people, she might actually make sure they never do such a thing again. Iravis delivered as motherly of a smile as she could manage. [color=salmon]"Curiousity filled me, I suppose."[/color] It was an obvious lie, but the Phoenix figured it might be better to not explain that her and her parents had possibly been sold into slavery. [b]"Hm...Shino-chan, does the term 'maiko' sound familiar to you?"[/b] Shino gave a small nod at the bird. [color=fff79a]"All right nya."[/color] Arata had asked her quite an odd question, they all had been asking her weird questions. She gave a small nod. [color=fff79a]"Yea a little nya."[/color] Shino got a little distracted by the constant smell being so nearby. Shino felt the urge to... tooooo... tooooooooo. She couldn't hold it any longer. Shino jumped towards Iravis and immediatly bit her in her hand. Her sharp canine digging into her skin. She didn't know why but she felt that the girl gave off a weird vibe. [b]"Alright...well then, Shino-chan, basically, if you want to be a familiar, you want to be strong. Strong enough to protect them while they fight alongside you in the glorious fields of war."[/b] Arata grinned, relishing in recent, yet ancient memories. [b]"So yeah, it's not about servicing them! It's a bond where you fight for them, and they fight for you, feasting on the flesh of your foe as you take on stronger and stronger enemies!"[/b] He cringed when Shino then starting chomping on Iravis's hand, but, well, Iravis should be able to manage that at least, huh? Maybe he shouldn't have said 'feasting on the flesh' though... Iravis yelped as she felt the canines sink into her flesh. Her instincts as a bird told her to punch the little girl and fly. Her history told her that would be a high sin. The Goddesses' pain tolerance was high enough though that she maintained some degree of calm. Perhaps a more peaceful solution existed. [color=salmon]"SHINO GET OFF."[/color] She said it as loudly as possible in the hope that would force the kitten to respond. Lyssa’s eyes widened as she saw Shino take a bite out of Iravis. [color=f6989d]“Ah! Shino, you can’t eat Iravis!”[/color] She almost grabbed the cat and attempted to pull her off of Iravis, but that’d probably be bad. [color=f6989d]“She probably tastes bad anyways!”[/color] Shino immediatly let go off the girl when she yelled as loud as she could. Shino immediatly shrinked and cowered in a little ball towards the ground. She covered her ears with both hands and looked up at the girl with scaredy cat eyes. She didn't reply back to her but simply viewed her as a bad person now. On one hand, things got quite awkward and confusing, and it really didn't help that Shino was now tasting the blood of Iravis on her teeth. On the other hand, at least now Arata could do this. [b]"Alright, enough chitter-chatter, let's focus, shall we? What's the riddle, and who do I have to kill?"[/b] Now that the neko had decided to back off, Iravis finally responded to the Yoni's first question. She repeated the riddle, blessing him with a look of confidence as her hand started to heal and blood dripped from the wound. [color=salmon]"Any ideas, Sir Wick?"[/color] Iravis suddenly turned around to the feeling of Wick's fire. Mr. Wick was walking down the halls, making his way to the library from the teacher lounge that he was in a moment prior. Tipping his hat to the students he pulled the small piece of paper from his pocket and looks it over. [color=9e0b0f]"I've not the foggiest, I've never cared for riddles. Have you any insight to spare?"[/color] Arthur asked as he handed the piece of paper to a women who had been behind him. Joulie followed after Arthur, wearing a Kimono at the time to not attract unnecessary attention to her Valkyrie side that she had concealed. Yet as he suddenly handed her a note and asked for her opinion or clues to it she gave a light shrug. [color=orchid]"Oh... Now now wouldn't it be cheating if I assisted you with this?... Your the teacher after all, and if your students look up to you for answers you should be the one who have found them and can provide them"[/color] she replied as she looked ahead to see what people he were going to meet. Repeating back what Iravis read out loud, Arata tried to make sense of it...and decided that it was probably easier just to beat the answers out of someone else. Yeah, that sounded about right. He etched the senseless riddle in his memory, and was about to ask his latter question one more time, when the red-haired woman said something else. Another individual appeared. Not just anyone, though, but a teacher of the school. Holding the same piece of paper that the rest of them had. [b]"Hey, Iravis, what's a teacher doing here?"[/b] [color=salmon]"I don't know who the ..."[/color] Iravis looked at the woman for a few moments, less familiar with the Norse Pantheon than the Mediterranean ones although she had paid a few visits. When she guessed what the woman was was, Iravis had little conviction behind it. While they might be able to read eachother's divine prescence, it wasn't an easy task. She was obviously Norse and related to combat, but that wasn't enough to narrow it down completely. [color=salmon]"... Valkyrie ... Shieldmaiden ... is? The Pyromancer here is Sir Wick. If the rules allow, wisdom says we should bolster our forces with a teacher. Sir Wick, this is Arata."[/color] [color=f6989d]"Oh, hi Mr Wick!~"[/color] Lyssa cheerily greeted the teacher. [color=f6989d]"Wow, if he's gonna be helping us then this should be easy!~"[/color] She was all for making something easier. [color=fff79a]"Ohh It is human teacher again" [/color] Arthur sighed as his new old familiar responded. [color=9e0b0f]"Hello again Arata, I'm here to help. It won't be as easy as it seems. I've got no idea what this riddle is about, so we'll still need to do a fair bit of research."[/color] Arthur said before stating, [color=9e0b0f]"That said, I can provide transportation, if wherever this treasure is is far though I'll be bringing my... cat."[/color] Joulie looked to the odd bunch that Arthur had brought her too, surely enough by her usual standards they would be a very odd collection. Demons,Cats,Something else and humanish things...it made her chuckle slightly as she figure that such a weird group could only end up in a hilarious situation. Yet as Arthur spoke to them she near expected him to take the time to introduce her, or the other way around. Yet no such thing happened yet, so in the end the Valkyrie chose to remain silent as she didn't really have much to add to the conversation for the time being. Ah, so that's how it was. It turns out that, for all her fancy words, the end result remained the same. Was it the lack of power that made Iravis seek more? Or was Juliann merely the exception in this convenient, gentle, wasteful world? A star in slothful darkness, perhaps. Arata breathed. He massaged the back of his neck. He scratched his chin. "Well, I must confess. If I had to say whether or not this was right or wrong, I will say that it is right. If you had to win via any means then this was a good decision." The oni could feel his heart pounding. "But you know, for me, this isn't about winning or losing. And if I had to say whether or not I liked this or disliked this, I would say that I dislike this. Very much. So, you know what?" Arata smiled, a thin, fake one more suited for a tengu than an oni. "Please enjoy your undeserved victory without me." Lyssa was a bit annoyed that Wick didn’t even seem to acknowledge her, so she resigned herself to pout, folding her arms and simply wait for them to finish talking about whatever they were going to talk about. She’d resign herself to watching the adorable kitten known as Shino. She wondered if there was a cat-toy or something around here she could use to play with the kitten? The demon didn’t understand that Shino didn’t like being treated exactly like a cat. She didn’t get long to look for one, however. Things started…escalating, instead and she was too slow to react to Arata. Arata, seemingly angry that Iravis had decided to ask a teacher for help, decided he wasn’t having any of it. Without almost any warning, the Oni attacked Iravis. His fist moved almost at a blindingly fast speed, slamming it right into the right side of Iravis’ face. The downward force of the blow sent the phoenix right to the ground, knocking her unconscious. Lyssa reacted almost instantly, faster than some might have found possible for the demon considering she hated fighting. But this was different. No one, and she meant no one, threatened her friends. Especially warm and cuddly Iravis~ Right as Aratas’ fist met Iravis’ face, she ran towards the Oni, closing the small distance between them in a handful of seconds. She prepared her magic. Fleshy things were all made of the same fundamental elements. It didn’t matter what sort of creature you were. Flesh was flesh, and it was easily destroyed. She knew she couldn’t reduce him to a puddle of goo, such a thing was difficult to do in the middle of combat, but that didn’t mean her magic was useless. Instead, she focused all the magic power she could in her how hand and positioned herself right in front of the Oni, putting herself right between him and the downed Iravis. In the next instant, she aimed her own strike upwards, towards the onis’ face. As soon as it connected, it would activate, the brief touch all she needed to send a powerful shock right to the Oni. It wouldn’t do any permanent or major damage, but the sheer amount of magic she poured into the strike would have made it feel like he had just gotten electrocuted, most likely even make his face numb as the cells in the area she touched were destroyed. Arata's head jolted upwards as Lyssa's punch cracked against his chin. It was good, but he felt the drop in strength regardless, as if his limbs were suddenly restricted by invisible chains. But it didn't matter. After all, this was now a fight. Bringing his head downwards, the oni responded by smashing his own chin against Lyssa's still-raised fist, another painful impact that only fed his selfish wrath further, as he reached out with one hand to tear off her face. Shino her bestie had started fighting with the fire girl and the horned girl because he didn't agree to helping them. Shino stood by the sidelines and watched the battle unfold. She was sure Arata was going to win this. He was strong he was sure to win. Arthur watched as a conflict started. The man, the Oni, punched downward into the face of Arthur's favorite student in years. Then the demoness gave the oni an uppercut that clearly held more force in it then one would think capable. It didn't stop the brutish Oni however, who merely changed targets. Arthur didn't like this, a shame his spear was elsewhere and it would take to long to teleport there and back. Iravis would survive some fire, but Arthur couldn't be sure for the demon and the cat girl, so he couldn't just throw an inferno into the mix mindlessly. So a idea came to mind. Arthur would tilt his head a bit to the side for a better angle down the hall and then he was gone, a good distance behind the Oni. [color=9e0b0f]"Oi, you really want someone to fight, come over here you weakness filled dunderhead!"[/color] Arthur shouted to Arata. Lyssa hadn't expected that sort of counter. The oni smashed his chin against her fist, and she was definitely feeling it. Gah, she hadn’t expected him to be quite that strong, but she wasn’t giving up just yet. She didn't attempt to dodge the Oni's hand. Instead, she probably did something a bit reckless. Using her other hand, she grabbed the hand that was aiming for her, and activated her magic. As long as his arm was touching her, any part of her body, his arm would slowly start to dissolve into a puddle of fleshy goo. Alucard walked in on a somewhat unusual scene. Apparantly what he had believed was going to be a study session to solve a somewhat interesting riddle had turned into some sort of brawl. He walked in upon someone he didn't know punching Iravis. The punch was quickly met by a counter attack, at nearly the same time by the demon girl's own. The girl's punch seemed to have a remarkable amount of power behind it but the unknown male simply slammed his head into the attack. How rude, striking not just one, but two females in rapid sucession. Seeing as interfering was unlikely to help things Alucard simply watched the brawl with mild interest. This would perhaps let him get a better gauge of some of these student's strengths. After all now was not the time to bribe the demon girl, though after the fight seemed like as good a chance as any. Joulie Raised a brow to how the conversation suddenly turned into a fight, this caused her to sigh as it seemed her version of fun didn't match this at all. However as Arthur teleported off to taunt the one who started the fight Joulie simply vanished and appeard next to the cat girl and the other weak ones. She gently touched them and spirited them away to safety in the distance before appearing again above the battle on a pillar. [color=orchid]"...Well. This conversation sure turned violent fast"[/color] she muttered as she observed. Shino was teleported away by the other bird person that had joined them. She wanted to eat her, she looked so filled and nice to eat. It kind of had a nice smell to it and the warmth when she touched Shino. She wanted to be sure to get this trophy in her stomach when she had free time. Her tongue slowly went over her lips as she sat on the side of the battlefield. Seemed more people had joined the fight with Arata. It still seemed like they were no match for the beast. Arata was long gone by this point, replaced by a cacophony of blood-thirsty voices roaring out, feeding on his hatred and his disgust, his repressed desire for violence and his frustration. He couldn't hear anything outside of the blood rushing through his body, and he couldn't see anything outside of the enemy before him. Drunk on violence, the oni didn't even register the flesh of his right arm melting off his bones, bubbling meat sliding off like an overcooked slab of beef. It was a horrendous, delicious pain, and he could only respond with laughter, bony fingers clutching onto Lyssa's, an unnatural force moving his muscle-less arm as he pulled. And pulled. And pulled. This was very not good, and Arthur's insult hadn't done much of anything. With a deep sigh Arthur held up one hand from which an orb of fire grew, and then with a great deal of force threw it at the back of the oni. Arthur wasn't far behind his fireball though, closing the distance with Arata and giving a rather lackluster punch to the back of the Oni's head seconds after the orb of flame exploded on his back. Arthur ready to teleport past in case the Oni actually did care enough to turn around. Just…what was this guy made out of?! His arm was definitely dissolving, and he should definitely be feeling it. Instead, he still had a death grip on her arm, and he was definitely attempting to pull it right off of her. She needed to do something here, or she’d very well lose her arm, but what…she could just have Rollanda patch her back up, but… Grraaagh, she was actually getting a bit pissed at this guy, which was likely clouding her good judgement just a bit…urgh, she was gonna do something that was gonna make her sick later. Without regard for her arm, she used her other hand and slammed an open hand right into his chest, first destroying a small section of his clothing on his chest – right over his heart, and as soon as that was gone, she immediately started doing something that some might find rather macabre. She began melting a hole, right in his chest over his heart, her free hand slowly sinking into the bubbling, melting flesh. Joulie watched one of the supposed students turn into some kind of monster. Well he was definatly an impure soul if she had to pick one and to purify him would probably be a good thing for the world. However he seemed to draw strength from battle and face him head on seemed rather pointless. A surge of flame, and then...the chains disappeared. Arata felt that, and it felt marvelous. [i]Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat. Splat.[/i] Arthur had leap back as Arata suddenly swung something vaguly in the pyromancer's direction, before Arthur realized with some amount of horror what it was the Oni wielded. The demon girl was being swung around as if a club, sickening smacks as the poor girl hit the tiles of the floor. The girl was getting bloody, her arm ripping from her body as her other hand held in a near deathgrip a chunk of half melted ribs. In a moment the poor demoness was separated from her arm, the lionshare of her flying and colliding with a small sickly man that had entered the fray from somewhere, the two flung a good distance away from the combat. Arthur grinded his teeth and clenched his fists as the oni continued to swing the arm around as if it's owner was still attached, apartently lost somewhat in his, its, bloodlust. Then Arthur saw a chance, a possibility that was too good to pass up. Shouting at the Oni Arthur said while flinging a few embers at the creature's head, [color=9e0b0f]"Look over here so I can kill you dammit!"[/color] Joulie decided to let Arthur handle this, and thus leaped down to him gently placing a hand on his shoulder. [color=orchid]"...This is your student... So I let you discipline them... Here I infuse your fire with my Sacred light... That way it won't hurt those that are not compiled of a thousand impure souls. "[/color] she said letting Arthur borrow her sacred powers so he could let loose without worry. She then stepped away as she would be pretty useless. She put on sunglasses while watching as she expected it to become a bit bright Arata heaved, the scattering of flames catching the oni's attention once more. His chest was hollow, only his maddened spirit holding things together as he turned around. Unable to maintain strength in his skeletal arm, the bones finally fell apart, clattering on the shattered ground beside a mangled, barely recognizable arm. There was nothing left now. Only a shell of a monster, blindly chasing after the next enemy. How far did he fall, to lose his sense of self? Ah, was there even room in this shell for a question? No. With a roar that shattered all the windows of the hallway, the oni launched himself towards the man of flames, guts spilling out of the cavity in his torso. Shino patiently sat on the sidelines. She was just able to see Arata as a small dot rampaging through the hallway. She cheered for Arata with one fist in the air but the distance wasn't gonna cut it. They would be barely able to hear it. Arata roared and even Shino could feel it through her bones. The windows shattered and it only made Shino cheer more. What was he cool. [color=9e0b0f]"Thank you. I prefer people to know who killed them."[/color] Arthur whispered nearly to himself as he held his right arm outwards towards the oni, the monster nearly on top of the pyromaster. Then, fire. Near golden flames flew forth from Arthur Wick's hand, enveloping the entirety of the oni. [color=9e0b0f]"Any and every bloody hell."[/color] Arthur said as he lowered his arm. That attack had done a number on him, his mana pool at least. But without doubt it was effective. The oni was gone, along with a fair bit of hallway. At least nobody else was- Arthur ran over to the demon. Her arm was pretty gone, in fact Arthur was rather sure it was burnt away with the oni. At least she was still holding onto that bit of Arata rib, Arthur really hoped that was enough for Rollanda to bring the guy back, he seemed alright before. Arthur more immediate concern however was for the demon. Slowly hefting the girl up Arthur strained before teleporting to the infirmary, he would make such trips for everyone, Iravis, that catgirl. A bit of Arata ash in case the melted rib wasn't enough. Arthur then sat in the infirmary, his mana pool damn near empty and very much taxed. Shino quietly watched... Her mouth a gape a little as her eyes widened. A small twitch kept bugging her eye as she looked at the scene... What happened? Arata was doing so well and he just kind of... exploded. Shino ran over towards the scene as fast as she could. Her eyes hidden by the lowering of her head and the shade that overwhelmed her eyes. She was trembling a little. Was this really all that was left of Arata. A small heap of ash and some part of his arm. Shino wasn't able to stand any longer and fell with her knees towards the ground. She helplessly gathered the burning ashes of Arata with her bare hands as tears gushed out of her eyes. She was quietly sobbing but did her best to get all of Arata. Even his leftover pieces of robe and organs that lied on the ground and were stuck on the walls. She put them all in one big plant pot and when she had all of it would quietly sob over it while hugging the plant pot on her knees. Why did they do this to her friend. Why were they all so mean. She softly cried while whispering. [color=fff79a]"B-bakas!"[/color] With the battle over Joulie went over to the purified souls and started collecting them one by one. After getting a bit lost in the moment she looked to Arthur. [color=orchid]"Well... That was interesting"[/color] she said sarcastically. Looking to Arthurs other students she pondered if she shouldn't have taken that healing class... But then just shrugged as he teleported them.