Master Cluyr remained perfectly poised as the other Masters made their way to the Chambers or set up connections to them. She wasn't terribly impatient to begin the meeting, since she felt there were other matters more pressing at the moment. However, the recent behavior of one Jedi in such a public manner affected the entire's Order with the Galaxy at large. She hoped to bring some kind of reform for the girl and some tenents be enacted to prevent this from occurring in the future. "Thank you, fellow Masters, for meeting with me under such short notice. I have called this meeting in regards to Eevy Hunt, a young Jedi Knight, and her recent actions on the streets of Coruscant a few days ago when I first contacted you all." She didn't really wait for a response, for she was still prefacing the meeting's purpose. "As you should have been informed, the Jedi, Eevy, ignited her lightsaber in public over the notion that the Sith 'might have become aggressive.' No less did she perform this overtly aggressive act in the middle of a crowd of sentients on Coruscant. If it hasn't been reported on the news yet, then color me surprised." She didn't follow the news herself, so she wouldn't have known. Her tone remained sturn yet level, as only she knew how. "I move for some kind of action be made to determine the future of Hunt within our Order. I also suggest some kind of lesson be added to the current training of Padawan so this won't happen again. Better yet, we screen potential Jedi with a higher standard and strictness that is the current meter." Though her posture or tone didn't change, somehow it was understood that others were free to voice their opinions. She seemed to demand a certain level of attention and respect from the other Masters that was close to that of the Grand Master. However, this could only be due to the intensity of her usual demeanor. Though he agrees with Master Cluyr that Eevy could have, and in fact, probably should have, shown more restraint, he does not agree that there are grounds for any sanctions. He also strongly disagrees with the insinuation that she be expelled from the Order. “With all due respect Master Cluyr, we still don’t know who this particular ‘Sith’ was, or what his intentions were,” Master Datch says. “And from what I understand of the events, Eevy’s actions were well within reason for the situation. I’m not sure there is any need for sanctions of any sort against her.” "There were no malicious intentions from the Gray Force User," Master Cluyr corrected without seeming condescending. "I'm not sure you understand what exactly occurred that day, however," she said, this time not bothering to conceal any condescension. “Rush into a determination, we must not.” Master Byrdo said. “Reckless, though she may have been, punishment I do not think is required.” “I don’t know,” Master Zune said. The Cathar Jedi Master was troubled by the very public encounter between the young Jedi and the alleged Sith, and was not ruling out sanctions against the girl. “The fact that young Hunt pursued this individual in such a public forum with little regard for public safety is most disturbing. I think that it would be just as reckless for us to rule out any punishment at this stage of the game. “Reckless, she was. Shared by many young Jedi, this trait is.” Master Byrdo said. “No different was I when discovered I was. A defect of youth, it is, outgrown it must be.” As Master Byrdo finished, he looked to Master Cluyr to get a sense of her feelings. "I agree," Master Verr added and took some attention away from the Nikto. Her pale brown skin and white horns somehow made her appear soft and caring. "However, that also puts into question our decision to promote the girl to Knight. I believe a Jedi Knight should be able to approach any situation with grace and great consideration." "While I do agree that the situation could have been handled better, and the public matter that these events took place is quite regrettable, I don't believe that it is a poor reflection on young Hunt. Though you claim that there was no ill intention on the part of this supposed Sith, or Grey Jedi, or whatever he was, I am not entirely sure that we can just assume that he did in fact, have no ill intentions. His actions; from what I can see, do seem to indicate some form of malice." Master Datch argues. Grand Master Roan Skywalker sat and listened to the arguments both for and against the young Jedi Knight Eevy Hunt without giving any indication of his position on the matter. Both sides presented valid arguments, and the Jedi Grand Master took their council to heart. As the Grand Master of the Jedi Order, he was made aware of the situation before it had come to a conclusion, and he had spoken to witnesses as well as seen holo recordings of the events in question, and he had questions of his own. "I think we would be remiss if we rushed to judgement before hearing the girl out." Grand Master Skywalker said as the other masters on the council watched and listened. Skywalker paused for a moment as if in self reflection, and then continued. "Yes, I believe that we should withhold our judgement, one way or the other, until we've heard what Eevy Hunt has to say for herself."