Eevy stood there quietly as the Masters discussed her actions, glad that the entire council wasn't against her, though she couldn't help but glance at Kasari, who could easily see the small amount of worry on her face, but she just gave a subtle signal to remain calm and patient, she knew the Council wasn't unreasonable, but she understood Eevy's concern nonetheless. Eevy continued to listen to them, unable to help but feel a little frustrated when Cluyr mentioned how 'reckless' she was, even though Eevy felt she didn't do anything too wrong, okay she perhaps could have approached the situation better, it didn't change the fact that a Sith had been on the planet and she felt that it was her duty as a Jedi to capture him first and then asked questions later, sure it may have been slightly dangerous thinking but she didn't want to think of the alternatives the could have happened. She quickly quelled her frustration however, knowing it wouldn't help her case if the sensed her frustration. [color=aba000]“I just would like to start off by saying that it truly is an honor to be in front of all you masters, though I suppose it could be under better circumstances...I know my actions were a little brash, but I only wanted to serve you all, to serve the Order like I was trained, to protect people as well as the Republic,”[/color] She paused for a moment, looking at the ground before looking back up at the Jedi Masters, [color=aba000]“I had sensed the Sith or whatever he was in the crowd, I was just trying to be cautious, I didn't know if he was going to attack anyone or me and I didn't want to run that risk, so I opted a slightly more aggressive approach, do I wish I had taken a calmer and more diplomatic approach? Yes, but I decided to make a call, never once though did I forget about the well-being of the civilians and made sure that they weren't harmed in the chase.”[/color] Kasari couldn't help but approach next to Eevy, gently placing her hand on her shoulder, [color=6ecff6]“Astute Masters, forgive me for interjecting, but I just wish to add that she's not a wild Jedi, she may on occasion slip up, but who hasn't in their lifetime?”[/color] Kasari spoke, remembering her own follies when she was still a young and naive Jedi. Then added, [color=6ecff6]“She's level headed and she'll learn to approach things more calmly as she grows and has more experience as a Jedi. I've known her ever since she was little, she was entrusted to my care and if I hadn't felt like she wasn't ready, I wouldn't have recommended she do her trials. I strongly request that she not be punished for what the most part was a harmless act.”[/color] Eevy was grateful for her master being on her side, mouthing the word [i]'thank you'[/i] to her before returning her attention to the Jedi Masters, she hoped that would convince the Council to not punish her, or if they did, that it at least wouldn't be so severe, but she would just have to wait and see what their response was to what was said. [color=aba000]“Well that's all I really have to say Masters, I do hope you'll forgive me, I honestly only had the citizens' and Republic's safety and best interests in mind.”[/color] She finished, well it was up to chance now with what they decided.