[center][hr][h1][color=00aeef][b]Lilith Storm[/b][/color][/h1] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/9b/5c/e9/9b5ce9df7c2cfb6db647f02c73e71f91.jpg[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 6:00 P.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Storm House and The Beach Party [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Tristan - [@HushedWhispers][hr][/center] Lil was freaking out, like totally. [color=00aeef][b]"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit... SHIT!"[/b][/color] Her hair whipped back and forth across her face as she searched through the piles of clothes. [color=00aeef][b]"Where the fuck are my socks?!"[/b][/color] Lifting up an old blue t-shirt, she began throwing article after article of clothing over her shoulder. How could she lose her socks? That was like the one thing that was impossible to lose. There were so many of them! Or there were supposed to be... After successfully moving the entire pile behind her she slumped down to the floor in defeat. The socks were gone. They had run off. Her head tilted back as a groan left her throat. She was so going to be late. Late to the beach party. That was definitely not what she had envisioned when she asked Tristan what he was doing later. But she wanted to hang out with him so bad and besides he didn't really give her much of an option based on the text she has received earlier. So she was forced to go to the stupid party. With his stupid sister. And the stupid sun. And the stupid sand. Another loud groan rolled out of her. If only she could find her stupid socks. Catching something out of the corner of her eye, Lil's head turned till her eyes were level with the underside of her dresser. That thing that she never used. Like ever. But there it was. Sock. Hiding right there. One. Just one sock. Singular. Not plural. Glaring at it angrily she stared it down as if asking it to rat out its companion. Sighing she snatched it out and sat up. As she went to put on the sock she paused. On her left foot was a sock. [color=00aeef][b]"How the..."[/b][/color] She shook her head at her own stupidity. Putting the finishing touches to her makeup she glanced at herself once more in the mirror, mentally bracing herself. Pushing back a stray strand of hair. She smiled at her reflection, jittery with anticipation. Grabbing her traditional hoodie she ran out the door. Reaching Tristan's car she practically fell in. Glancing up at him from her awkward position she smiled weakly and giggled, [color=00aeef][b]"Sorry, lost my sock."[/b][/color] [center][hr][h1][color=ed1c24][b]Jackson Aurum[/b][/color][/h1] [img]http://33.media.tumblr.com/2f796871cb32643ec430efdf8c462e0c/tumblr_inline_npjcswnJnK1t5prjz_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Time:[/u][/b] 6:30 P.M. [b][u]Location:[/u][/b] The Beach Party [b][u]Interacting With:[/u][/b] Dominique - [@HushedWhispers] [hr][/center] Standing at the bar, Jackson sipped at his drink. He was surprisingly early. Which was unfortunate. It really was no fun before people showed up. No partying, no laughing, no fighting, no drinking. Well... maybe not the last one. If he were to say something about Dominique, she certainly knew how to throw a party. The place was coming together very nicely, and quickly. There were even tents! He smiled thinking about what that would most likely mean for many. A slight grin resting on his face he turned to see if anyone was arriving. His attention was caught by the Queen Bee running face first into some kid. He winced inwardly with a laugh awaiting the certain reprimandment. But it never came. Dom was apologizing. She walked over to the bar and stood right next to him. She didn't even notice him. [color=ed1c24][b]"Pinch me I must be dreaming."[/b][/color] His smile grew wide as he began to tease her. [color=ed1c24][b]"Did the legendary Dom, just... apologize? To a mere mortal? Unheard of. It's either the end of days or a true christmas miracle."[/b][/color] Winking at her, he handed her a drink from the bar. [color=ed1c24][b]"Some party you got here. Nice touch with the tiki torches."[/b][/color] The sun was at the perfect height to be create an amazing sunset view. All around the beach tiki torches were lit, lighting up the tents and cabanas. The party was just getting started. Being completely blunt Jackson looked at Dominique, [color=ed1c24][b]"Not that I really care about the tiki's. Is Analise here?"[/b][/color] He really hoped she would show up.