I maybe too late to the party but I'm going to post my app just in case. Fingers crossed. [hr] [b]CIVILIZATION NAME[/b]: Chrisomos [b]CHARACTERISTIC 1[/b] [b]Tough:[/b] [i]A hostile life has turned our people into exceptional physical specimens.[/i] [Decreased Military Casualties] [b]CHARACTERISTIC 2[/b] [b]Disciplined:[/b] [i]Defeat and surrender are considered beneath us.[/i] [Military Leaders -50% Cost] [b]GOVERNMENT NAME[/b]: People's Coalition of Chrisomos [b]10 RANDOM CITIZEN NAMES (First & Last if Plausible)[/b]: Orlan Lobo Kitrin Sannos Balerte Jacobo Mellus Pwerte Uma Rerno Annis Barcya Marra Valer Pwist Nahal Inne Soler Jenyl Pawblo [b]HOMEWORLD[/b]: Chrimos [b]SUBSEQUENT COLONIES[/b]: None. [b]CIVILIZATION DESCRIPTION[/b]: [hider=History] The people of Chrisomos are known by many names to outsiders. 'The Hermit Planet', 'the Lone Star', 'the Chrimos Savages', 'the Tyrant Kingdom' are but some of the titles given. Most would know them as nothing more than brainwashed citizens of an all dominating dictatorship. Chrisomian would view most outsiders as nothing more than vile imperialist who they must defend themselves from. The isolation and cryptic nation of the Chrisomian people has led them to become a pariah in the star systems. However the reasons for the Chrisomian paranoia is a tale of tragedy and misunderstanding that most of the galaxy could relate to. Before Chrisomos came to be, the Ninoan species were not governed by a single entity. They had different countries, different nations, different states. Their culture was not as uniform and pragmatic as it is now. They had different norms, different rituals, different lifestyles, different identities. They were different civilizations who, more or less, co-existed on their planet. Whether or not most would agree, the Ninoans were no different than any other species. Small tribes of hunter gatherers who begun to spread to every continent of their globe and established themselves as the dominant species. They grew in numbers and established different aspects of society. They advanced with the coming of years and completely asserted their role as the dominant species. As seen generally, there was nothing unique to their species. That was until they were faced with a threat few others had encountered. When the Ninoans attempted to contact other creatures of the cosmos, they caught the attention of a desperate many. For years beyond counting, the Moriq people had traveled the vastness of space looking for a new planet settle. They had been the victims of a catastrophe which destroyed their own homeworld. It was only through sheer determination that a lucky number escaped their dying planet. Asleep for a millennium, they were awakened by the callout signals coming from Chrimos. Automatically their ships began to set course to the planet. The Ninoans were very surprised to have learned of alien vessels quickly making a path for their home. Questions were raised as to the intent of the foreigners. Were they peaceful or warmongers? Were they bringing gifts of friendship or the shackles of slavery? Did they come to trade or pillage? The governments of Chrimos began to consult with one another. A council was formed and a delegation created. They contacted the alien fleet. A response was met. As the Moriq arrived, they were greated by the Ninoans with excitement and caution. The predicament of the Moriq became known to the Ninoans. The Ninoans accepted the Moriq and allowed them to occupy the planet among themselves. There were those however who viewed the alien occupation cynically. The protested at what they claimed was the start of an annexation. They started as a small, very vocal minority and would have remained so if the Great Plague had not arrived. Before the Moriq were granted access onto Chrimos, they were tested by the Ninoan scientist for possible contagions that might affect the natives of the planet. All manner of lifeforms were tested and all were cleared. All but one. Within the confines of the massive vessels the Moriq traveled in were tiny creatures that scuttled among the tiny holes and crevasses. This creatures harbored a disease which would bear upon the Ninoans untold misery. A bite from this miniscoule pest was enough to have spread the a plague onto an unsuspecting Ninoan. The plague then began to spread from city to city, coast to coast and then continent to continent. At first there was no cause for alarm. A simple rash and a mild fever was all there was. Then the disease became more and more malicious. Boils, un-healing cuts, puss spreading through the veins. Town after town became deserted. Panic grew and unrest enveloped countries. The blame was quickly placed on the Moriq by those distrustful few. Amidst the confusion, more and more began to resent the Moriq. As governments became busy facilitating the infected, they were not able to police their people as tensions grew between them and the Moriq. Armed mobs began to attack Moriq refugees. The Moriq had to defend themselves and the news of dead Ninoans at the hands of the Moriq did not ease the hearts and minds of the weary public. Soon the entire planet was engulfed in war. The desperate Moriq fought off the increasingly agitated and confused Ninoans. Cities leveled, Moriq orbital ships incapacitated and countless numbers of both species dead. This turbulent situation gave rise to the Chrisomos Coalition. They proclaimed themselves as the rightious defenders of the people and the planet. They waged war with the Moriq with extreme prejudice and lack of mercy that would have shocked most Ninoans years before. Entire settlements burned to the ground, infacts killed and unarmed Moriq masses slaughtered. In the new Chrimos consumed by war, the Coalition were viewed as the necessary force needed for the survival of the Ninoan people. Their ranks swelled. After 200 years of war, the Moriq were forced off the planet on their last vessel still capable of travel. There was no celebrations of the Ninoans. Their planet has been utterly ravaged by war, disease and death. There was no corner of the planet that had not been touched by the brutality of fighting or the cruel death caused by the plague. The survivors, now number a quarter of what they once had now had the rebuild from scratch. The Chrisomos Coalition took control of the masses as under a totalitarian rule. They became isolationist, cultivating paranoia and xenophobia. The Coalition would broadcast their anti-alien propaganda around the planet. The people of Chrimos closed themselves to outsiders and prepared themselves if another threat would arise. It has been a century since the end of the Ninoan-Moriq war. Chrisomians are even more recluse and distrustful as most would know. The Coalition retains full power of the people. Most accepts the ruling party without any complains. Those who do complain however are sent to the concentration camps, where they join the occasional alien that wonders in their territory. Chrimos has become a fortress with defensive batteries covering continents, civil bunkers in all cities and their industry being focused on defense. Most Chrisomians are ready to defend themselves if the Coalitions calls for them, with most infants able to assemble a rail rifle before they can even speak. The Coalition's army is at war time readiness even now that their Moriq enemies are nowhere to be seen. As a result, the common people of Chrimos struggle. Agriculture has been difficult ever since the war. Only now has the planet started to recover. Chrisomians manage by hydroponics. However the demands cannot always be met. Water and food are sometimes in sort supply, leading to temporary famine crisis on different continents. Free speech and free thinking are all but abolished. Loyalty to the party is an absolute least you want to slave in the work camps. Their focus on defensive technologies has also made them lack in other advances. Not to mention their constant xenophobia has left them to become isolated from the rest of the abundance of their neighbors. However Chrisomos maybe in the midst of change. There is now open trade with outsiders though it is limited and highly regulated. This may lead to further reforms with the Coalition and the Chrisomian people themselves. Only time will tell what lies in store for the Chrisomians, a tough but mislead people. [/hider] [hider=Ninoan Species] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/0b/ea/79/0bea79b94296444d95903be68af1a1d1.jpg[/img][/center] The Ninoan people are distinct throughout the galaxy for being bi-pedal, slit-eyes with yellow sclera, forked tongues, green scales that cover their exteriors and their long tails. They are cold blooded and do not give birth to live young, thus most live in climate controlled shelters. Ninoans are omnivorous however they are known to prefer meat dishes. The average height of a Ninoan is six feet. Ninoans are known for being extremely tough, able to survive for a month without water and three months without food. Ninoans have incredibly durable bodies which allows them to endure amazing amounts of punishments. They are however, as stated above, completely vulnerable in notably high or low temperatures. Not being able to maintain their own internal temperatures, they rely on their environment for survival. They are also very susceptible to diseases as the Great Plague has proven all to well. [/hider]