The school day seemed to progress slowly for Carol. First and second period were normal enough aside from some unusual discomfort. It was hard to pin down exactly was it was. More like an aching feeling than anything. But really nothing odd seemed to happen until third period. The students were heading out of class and Carol was following along. She had a slight dizzy spell but recovered quickly. Thinking nothing of it she pushed to roll forward like always. But instead of moving forward she pivoted backward and spilled out on the floor. It wasn't bad and others quickly helped her back into her wheelchair. Afterward she tried to replicate the accident but couldn't and chalked it up to doing something wrong. Fourth period was not very enjoyable as she was starving much more than usual. And by the time she could have lunch she ate quite a bit more than usual. Normally her appetite was less when she was sick, which is what she assumed was wrong at this point. Thankfully that seemed to pass eventually. Along with the last three periods Carol headed to to the library for a couple books. While grabbing the books from the isles she realized that one she needed was outside her reach. Well no matter she could always ask someone for help. Whilst waiting for someone to pass by she began to drift into the air. It took a second to realize what was happening and when she did Carol dropped her books and grabbed the shelf. Several seconds passed where she hovered above the ground. When she finally did drop she landed on her feet. Normally her legs would buckle at this point but she wobbled awkwardly before steadying. She could stand? What the hell? By this point Carol had no idea what was going on. She felt that maybe she was dreaming or something. But she didn't want to reveal what was happening to her. It made no sense and would probably make her sound crazy. Of course at the end of the school day was the worst. That was when the majority of the changes hit. She felt like she was overheating from working out. Her bone and muscle mass underwent accelerated growth while becoming super dense so her body didn't really increase in size other than bulking up. The heat exhaustion was bad enough that she hit the showers and ran cold water just to cool off. Thankfully there were separate stalls for the handicapped which meant she could actually try standing without having to worry about others seeing. Properly being on her own two feet again was weird. First because she was told she could never do it again, and also because it had been such a long time. Beyond that though something clearly going on with her body. This morning she looked, well, average. Rather thin without much definition to speak of. Now though she looked like she had been doing weight training for the last couple years. Self toning body wasn't a thing as far as Carol knew though. Even when she played soccer she wasn't close to being this fit. The confusion was only compounded when her and several other's names were called. Drying off she got dressed and headed where she was told. [hr] Arriving at the principal's office Carol had opted to stay in her wheelchair for now. She had some trouble with the newfound strength, nearly ripping a door off its hinges and almost crashing numerous times. But she learned that a light touch was necessary to at least somewhat appear normal. Most largely ignored her too which was good. Carol supposed she should have worn looser clothing today because if someone actually payed attention they would see her newly chiseled body. Hopefully no one would think twice about it. It appeared that two of the others had already arrived. Oliver she recognized and waved weakly. [color=khaki]"Hey again."[/color] Glancing around she saw that the principal wasn't there yet. That seemed a bit odd. [color=khaki]"Do either of you have any idea why we were called here?"[/color]