[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iarl1oErdpY]Adrians voice[/url] (Use your imagination) [img]http://orig02.deviantart.net/65e7/f/2016/028/3/b/finished_by_fenixking13-d9pll3o.png[/img] Adrian had put the girl down at her request, in a shaded area as his more human way of thinking finally decided to blossom and make the reality if the situation a little more known. The girl was young and in a short skirt and embarassed and Adrian realized he had likely just paraded her business to everyone below them. Normally such thoughts didn't occur to the moth man as he wasn't quite sure he had the necessary parts to feel embarrassed about. Such things were a mystery to him and may yet continue to be for many many years so was subsequently ignored. Adrian dropped to his knees and groveled at the young girls feet, cautious not to raise his eyes lest he raise even MORE anger from the youngling. [color=ed1c24]"I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to cause you trouble!" [/color] He stammered for words to say to clear his name but found it impossible to concentrate, the jumble of memories flooding his mind with guilt for what he had done, was doing, and likely was being accused of potentially doing. [color=ed1c24]"Forgive me. It is my nature to be curious, to be spontaneous, I didn't realize..."[/color] He thought back to the incident that had started this whole mess and choked back a whimper at the profound sense of disgust he found. Normally he could eat a whole wardrobe and not even care but now it seemed he had grown a soft spot for the girl. Without another word he took to the skies, clearing the ground with a boom of dust and debree as Adrian tried to fly away from his problems. ----------------------------------------- After time skip ----------------------------------------- A week had gone by with the usual classes and events, fights, conversations, and hijinks you came to expect of a school with so many conflicting personalities placed in it, but all of it was at the back of the giant moths mind as he soared endlessly over the dorm room that had become his obsession since he had fled Reina in shame. The thoughts played over and over in his normally chaotic mind like clockwork now and it drove him to madness. Day after day he circled the Dorm, at night he slept on a roof looking through her window, and in the mornings he watched her leave. More than once he had been tempted to crash through the window in a tumble and grovel again at her feet but could not muster the courage, a rare sense of pragmatism told him such a case would be a waste of energy. The day of the Magus tournament came and found Adrian as utterly disinterested as always, he would fail the test and earn the ire of his team and anyone else participating on his supposed team because the moth cared nothing for it at all. His interest remained elsewhere usually. This time was quickly proving no different. [color=ed1c24]"Another year of games another year of not bothering.." [/color] Adrian had become morose at the events, often times making eye contact with the intent to paralyze just so others would learn to stop staring at him. Truly now when he thought of his behavior he felt the words freak far too clearly. The crowd of participating students took off in a rush to prepare, eager for the challenge it seemed, but all the bug could do was stare at the sky and stare blankly. Arms drooping, wings spread out but slack, eyes almost glazed over, he fell forward onto his stomach with a growl. It had been days since he had last eaten anything he realized, so obsessed with the incident he had foregone even that basic requirement. [color=ed1c24]"I deserve this.."[/color] He heard himself whisper, drawing out a single piece of uneaten sleeve he had not bothered to finish, a gift from a classman named Roy he had not seen or heard from, or even bothered to look for for that matter. He stuffed the garment in his mouth as his head lay on the dirt and chewed slowly.