She was always energetic. She was a cheerleader, she had to be. But his was just ridiculous. At this point, Dani felt like she had enough 'pep' for the entire pep rally all by herself. She had been feeling more and more energy running through her all day. In every single class, she finished her work before everyone else. That never happened. Ever. Having to sit and wait for everyone else to catch up afterwards was torture and she was glad when every class ended. For a brief moment, she wondered if Derek had slipped some pcp into that coffee. She was fairly certain her friend wasn't a drug addict though. So there had to be some other explanation. Dani was sitting twiddling her thumbs in the final class of the day, going slowly insane, when an announcement came over the PA. A number of students, herself included, were called to the principal's office. "Thank God!" she all but yelled as she stood quickly, knocking her seat over and drawing the entire class's attention to her. She quickly realized what she had done and immediately felt embarrassed. She had reacted entirely on impulse when she realized she could finally leave this class. With everyone now looking at her, she laughed nervously before adding "I mean..." but after an awkward pause decided not to even finish her sentence. Instead she simply snatched up her bags and hurried out the door. She had to admit, she wasn't used to being called to the principal's office. Back when she had been a member of the student council, before resigning, she had spoken to the principal quite a lot. But she had never been called in with a bunch of seemingly random kids. Was she in trouble? She hoped not. She couldn't think of any reason why she would be. When she pushed the door open to the office, she noticed a couple of others already waiting but there was no sign of the principal. She took a seat next to Paul and glanced over at him. She immediately did a doubletake. Paul had always been taller than her but looking at him now, he seemed notably smaller. Smaller than her even. That was weird. She didn't even try to hide the fact that she was confused. Her confusion only grew as she slowly turned her head to look at Carol who looked like she had been working out. A lot. Dani had admittedly never paid a whole lot of attention to the girl in the wheelchair but she was fairly certain she wasn't always that buff. It was kind of impressive and Dani was actually a little jealous. Oliver's pacing seemed relatively normal compared to these two so she paid little attention to him. By this point she was quite visibly looking back and forth between Paul and Carol. There was a lot of weird going on here and Dani felt increasingly uncomfortable with it.