When Eric managed to avoid burning during his attempt to smother the trashcan fire, he though his had begun looking up even if he did ruin his jacket. Unfortunately though his temperature kept raising to the point that before long he took off his sweater and walked around his shirt, oddly enough he didn't feel sick or anything just hot. Other odd things kept happening to him that day, like the hand shaped scorch mark he somehow made on his desk during biology, or the fact that a girl burned her hand on a doorknob he had just used seconds ago. Those two coincidences were enough to make suspect that he somehow caused the fire. During lunch-hour he decided to avoid the cafeteria despite the fact he felt hungrier than normal and instead went outside, hoping that his usual spot was empty. When he arrived at the outside wall of the library there was indeed no one there. [color=red]"Perfect."[/color] He ripped an empty page out of his notebooks and easily managed to get it catch fire. While Eric had been half expecting it, it still came as a shock. [color=red][i]"Hmm in manga when someone has fire powers, creating fireballs is a common ability so I wonder."[/i][/color] While it took more effort than burning the leaf, he eventually managed to create a golf ball sized orb of flames in his dominant right hand. As he was patting himself on the back about it, he got the idea to see if it was possible to set himself on fire without getting hurt like so American comics had fire based characters doing. [color=red]"Not a good idea to try that here, after all just because I didn't burned this morning or right now doesn't mean that's impossible, and even if it was I have no desire to destroy my clothes and walk around naked."[/color] [hr] For his last period Eric had one of his favorite subject history and the fact that the teacher was Mr Putin didn't hurt either. Unfortunately it had to be during that class that he was called to the principal's office. Hi first thought was that it was because of the trashcan-incident but that didn't make any sense. When he arrived he saw that four of the other students who were called had beaten him there.