[center][h3][color=#990000]OOC: Writing posts while sick sucks.[/color][/h3][/center] Re wasn't stupid, albeit he was a stoner. He would not just sit in a cloud of dust, especially when he saw that his [u]medium-ranged weapon-wielding opponent[/u] leaped out of the cloud. And Re did as well, brandishing his blades. The blades earned a powerful ergokinetic padding on them as he leaped, his incredibly strong leg muscles letting him leap high into the air. But as he cleared the cloud, Re found that his back was pierced by the incredibly-fast spear, but luckily the tri-pronged spear's strike only caught him between the femur and beginning of the ribcage, which was mainly 'flesh'. Re's outer layer of flesh was reinforced due to his Atronachson inheritance, allowing the tri-pronged spear to only pierce through a very rough half (65-70%) of its targeted depth, in spite of the vast velocity and force. Re had been shot and stabbed many times in his life- the reason why his body didn't bleed out or generally just die from the rupturing of internal organs was due to the fact that [i]he didn't have any[/i]. The inside of his body was composed of an ergokinetic system which allowed him to feel pain and process thought like a human (without a brain, mind you), without the need of the other organs and bodily kwirks to function physically or mentally. But that didn't mean that the fucking spear wouldn't have hurt like a [b]SON OF A BITCH[/b] though. Which it did. [h2]A fucking lot.[/h2] "[b]FUCK![/b]" Re hissed, using the pain and turning it into anger, biting down on his teeth. The anger fueled his next action's swiftness- despite being stabbed and pushed downward. Twirling in midair and narrowly avoiding the last of the spear's strikes, Re landed on the ground, wincing from his backside being pierced. Immediately before he landed, Re cocked his legs, which led into him leaping forward toward the now-falling Sky (this was all happening very, very fast). With hardly any warning, Re's hands let go of the swords (they stayed near him due to the chains), and flashed outward in an arc toward Sky, which would look strange given the fact that nothing really happened for a split, split second. But as soon as Re's hands flashed outward fully, a powerful arced shockwave of energy was sent barreling toward Sky. Despite his supernatural awareness and heightened reaction time, it would have been incredibly hard to maneuver (especially in midair) out of its way, as the blast was quite wide and well, arced. That and the energy merely 'flashed', it wasn't built-up like a more gradual attack. Think of an explosion. It was unstable yet concentrated, raw power. Whether or not the blast struck Sky (which would send him flying back or crashing into the ground with enough force to topple over a car), Re would reach the apex of his own jump and focus entirely on Sky's position. The dust would also be cleared due to the blast. The padding on Re's blades would aid in what happened next, were there to be a physical interference, because the heat they gave off was incredibly intense, enough to likely superheat [b]or even melt[/b] Sky's spear lest it were enchanted against such. Pulling against the breeze, Re spun quickly in midair, brandishing his blades yet again mid-spin and letting them go with directed power. The blades would, with a fast, whiplike sound, lash out/downward toward Sky at a violent speed, packing a lot of force due to their weight. The chains which looked taut and short were extended to great lengths from Re's arms, letting it be known to Sky that he could attack from both a range and in short distance. One strike was aimed for his upper body, and the other was aimed for his lower body. But the blades themselves would be lashed out far enough to be [b]behind[/b] Sky, not directly beside him. He'd be hit by the chains before the blades- but the energy that Re packed into the blades was also in the chains. [center][h3][color=#990000]I swear to God if I have to go to the FUCKING chiropractor because of that motherfucking spear...[/color][/h3][/center]