[color=plum][center][h3]Ambrosia[/h3][/center][/color] Moving carefully along the edge of the fronts of the cabins Ambra inspected each one, brilliant blue eyes swirling with gold as she kept herself suspended between forms. Her teeth were slightly pointed and her ears as well as she remained partly wolf. Ambra rarely entirely held her human form with its limitations. It was so dull in comparison to her lupine senses. So she kept them by remaining partly between forms. She swept her pale locks from her chest back behind her shoulder so that they fell along her back and didn't impede her as she reached the last cabin, the only one her mate hadn't yet inspected. It was made entirely from logs and seemed slightly more recently built than the others. The windows were boarded up much like some of the others to keep bears out but as she looked more carefully the wood was far too new to be from the era when the other cabins had been built. They couldn't have been more than a year old at the most, probably from last summer and the cabin itself was maybe 20 years old as opposed to the nearly sixty years of the other cabins. She wasn't quite worried just yet, someone passing through had probably used the cabin a lost human panning for gold. They were so fragile yet they ventured out here and risked life and limb for a resource that they might never see more than a few specks of. Their minds were not as well equipped as a Lycans, they simply could not compete. Ambra stepped upon the porch of this peculiar cabin, inhaled deeply with her mouth slightly open so she could acquire the most scent possible. Nothing, absolutely nothing, all the wind and the rain had removed in trace of a scent of who had been here before but she continued on. This porch did not so much as creak as she moved across it, keeping her wondering about its existence. It really should not have been here at all. It was an extra and had not been listed on the deed to the property as the other cabins had. When Ambra reached the door the hair on the back of her neck stood her senses filled with a message that could have only been left by another Lycan; [i]leave[/i]. A low growl escaped past her full pink lips as she looked at the door. "[color=plum]James dear, do come here would you.[/color]" She called as she spun the door knob and pressed the door open. When it swung inwards with a soft whoosh of air the scent hit her like a log truck; male and big. What alarmed her the most though was how recently lived in this cabin was. There was still food that was only a month or so gone bad laying on the counter. Then she caught another scent, human but it wasn't of the living. It was the sharp metallic smell of human blood she could not see any blood but there had definitely been someone at least extremely hurt here. She turned her back on the inside of the cabin, they needed to send out some muscle to check at least the nearest several miles of territory. She looked around at her small pack, Niall would be a good choice as would Juniper and Adam. Ambra moved quickly to the edge of the porch, a blur of dark clothes and white skin and hair. "[color=plum]Niall, Juniper, Adam would you all please go give a quick sweep of the nearby area. Just a few miles out or so.[/color]" That would be plenty of muscle and authority if there was anyone else out and about up here other than her pack. Very few wolves had any desire to take on a wolf as big as Niall let alone Niall with two others. She would have gone herself but she needed to be here to watch over the others and ensure nothing happened here and coordinate their unpacking.