Cia had just droned through her day like normal. She was half awake during most of her classes and wasn't really paying attention. Around third period though she started to have more trouble walking than normal. Her feet felt like they were in squishy socks. Except it felt more like she didn't even have feet. During her break between classes Cia took off her shoes only to find that her feet looked like they were melting. "The hell?" Cia said looking at her feet, though these were more like puddles. As Cia felt more alarmed her feet went back to normal. "I wonder." Cia though at this point she started to tug on her arm finding it to actually stretch. Her eyes went wide at this. "I must be more tired than I thought." Cia said to herself as she pulled her arm back to normal after tensing up again. "I-I need more coffee." Cia stated to herself as she headed back to the teachers lounge. Throughout the day she had noticed several students doing equally strange things. "T-There is something wrong with me." Cia said putting a hand to her head. At this point though she bumped into the one person she really needed to see at this point. [url=]George[/url] the Janitor. "Well someone seems to be in a flustered mood today." George said with his normal kind smile. He is after all one of the kindest people within the entire school. Cia looked up at George with a relieved sigh. "Yeah, I think I'm just having one of my weird hallucagenic episodes." Cia said. Saying this to George made her feel alot more at ease, like talking to a psychologist. "Maybe you should try yoga sometime, it might relax you." George offered want to try and ease Cia's pain. "T-That's not such a bad idea, thanks." Cia said before heading off to the rest of her classes for the day. After that conversatoin Cia was a bit more at ease. [hr] When Cia heard herself being called to the office with a bunch of other students she could only assume that the students were going to complain about Cia's teaching. Cia got results sure, but her methods of teaching often seemed lazy and without any effort on her part. There was a reason other students hated her. After entering the office Cia looking around at the other students in the room. "This is about my teaching methods isn't it?" Cia asked as she rubbed her head. She was being very blunt that was for sure. "Your all complaining about it and hoping to get me fired right?" Cia asked the other students in the room.