[hider=Hiroshi Fujikawa] [list] [*][b]Name:[/b] Hiroshi Fujikawa [*][b]Hero Name:[/b] Psycho Spiral [*][b]Age:[/b] 14 [*][b]Gender:[/b] Male [*][hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/wcg52Ge.png[/img] Hiroshi is a shortstack that clocks in at about 5’2’’ and 115 lbs. His face isn’t as ridden with acne as someone his age could be, much to his relief, but it’s still noticeable.[/hider] [*][hider=Superhero Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/wUuJl7Z.png[/img] His outfit consists of a zipped up green track jacket, a light green mouth mask, swirly eyed goggles, a normal hat, a pair of black jeans, and long leather gloves. Unpictured: elbow pads, kneepads, and matching yellow sneakers.[/hider] [*][b]Personality:[/b] Hiroshi is an honest and hardworking, but easily worked up young nerd with a bit of a one track mind. He’s not exactly a jerk, at least he isn’t one on purpose, but he can be blunt with people and doesn’t really try to sugarcoat his words. Although he does try to speak respectfully most of the time, at least until he’s been particularly ticked off. At that point he’s willing to verbally tear into you. He’s not a fan of violence either, but since superheroics tend to involve it he tries to keep injuries to a minimum. Again, at least until he’s been really ticked off. A few ways to do that are to disturb his (very meticulously crafted, he’ll have you know) time schedules, attempt to cheat, or to poke fun at his family. [*][b]Equipment:[/b] When he’s suited up he carries a yo-yo, a frisbee, and a couple of hand sized rubber balls on his belt as his “weapons.” [*][b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Telekinesis:[/i] With his SUPER POWERED MIND, Hiroshi can lift and move up to six objects at a time. However, he can only affect objects up to his own weight (115 lbs), and even then that requires his utmost focus to keep it up. Moving specific objects inside something (like a nail in a board or someone's limbs) requires about the same effort. [*][b]Skills:[/b][list] [*][i]Time Gauging:[/i] Hiroshi is eerily good at guessing what time it is, how much time has passed since something, how long it’ll take to do something, and how much time is left to do something. He insists it’s all guesswork, but it’s not a stretch to think it could somehow be a form of precognition. Or it could just be a natural product of making on the dot schedules. [*][i]Piano:[/i] Hiroshi is actually pretty good at playing the piano, and if he weren’t so focused on becoming a doctor he could potentially learn to be a proper musician. As it stands now, though, it’s entirely a stress relief hobby.[/list] [*][b]Brief Backstory:[/b] Hiroshi was brought up in a hard working family that had a few rough patches getting by, but nothing that wasn’t manageable. Growing up, Hiroshi was firmly taught the importance of hard work and perseverance so he wouldn’t abuse his powers in the wrong ways. He’s stuck by this principle no matter what, and it’s crafted him into a hardworking and studious type so he can become a doctor that can support his family. Even in the wake of his family being scammed and being saddled with a debt in the millions, Hiroshi has refused to use his powers immorally and has just worked even harder to keep his goal in sight. Money’s still tight, though, even with his older sister joining in the work force with two jobs. Not being able to stand this, and after reading about the scholarships he could potentially earn, he’s joined SUPER to help ease the financial burden, if even a little. [*][b]Hero Rank:[/b] D [*][b]Theme Song:[/b] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mempPlglCI]Sharkface[/url] [/list][/hider]