[@BilboTheGreat] [hr] [center][b]Darren[/b][/center] Darren quickly wolfed down his cereal bar. It sounded like more zombies were coming. Bummer. Darren drew his katana, expecting a fight. Darren considered himself very lucky to actually find the weapons he did. People truly do drop everything and run in the face of danger. However, Darren's ears perked at the sound of footsteps, increasingly closer. Darren pulled his shemagh up, keeping to his rule of staying anonymous. In actual fight, a human adult slipped into the same alleyway, not noticing Darren at all, as he himself decided to sit down. Usually, Darren would try and slip away unnoticed, but this guy looked like he needed some help. Or he was attracting something very nasty. Darren kept his distance but pointed his sword at the guy. [b]"You a bandit?"[/b] He asked.