Two other students entered followed shortly by Ms. Velmont. No one had really had the chance to give a solid answer as to why they were called. One of the girls (Dani) seemed perplexed by something and kept glancing back and forth between her and one of the boys there. While Carol didn't recognize the girl she seemed to have noticed something odd be be acting the way she was. It made the situation all the more awkward and Carol hugged her arms a bit to hide what she could. By now whatever had been happening to her seemed to have stopped. She wasn't sore thankfully but did feel a might stiff. She wanted to stretch to loosen up her muscles but this was neither the time nor the place for that. No one had yet to really offer an explanation as to why they were there. Thus far everyone seemed just as clueless as the next person. That is except for Ms. Velmont, who right away assumed that they were there to get her in trouble. The math teacher did have a reputation of being a zombie, but that didn't really make sense for this meeting. [color=khaki]"I don't know about anyone else Ms. Velmont, but I'm not here for that. I don't really know what I'm here for."[/color] Carol was in one of Velmont's classes today, which made sense given her major. The girl froze for a moment realizing she probably just drew the attention of someone that might actually notice her change from earlier in the day. Come to think of it, Oliver likely would have already noticed when she entered. [@Cuccoruler][@Duthguy][@Subject Zero][@Nevix][@DrewVonAwesome]