[b]Kotori Shirohane - Warakuma High School: Agriculture Club | After School[/b] It was astonishing just how quickly one could regret as simple a thing as sitting down. Such was the case with Kotori at that moment when, just as she did so, Matthew muttered to himself - most likely unaware of her presence given the lack of his usual exuberant greeting - about exactly what one was meant to do in a relationship. Realising that she'd just heard what probably wasn't meant for her ears, Kotori sat rather stiffly in her chair as she quickly tried to think of some way around this situation - announcing her presence would, at that point, be rather embarrassing. Trying to answer the question as if it had been directed at her would be an option - if she actually had an answer. She briefly considered slowly standing up, sneaking out and then entering again; sure to announce herself more clearly this time whilst pretending not to have heard anything concerning such private matters - except that at that moment, a knock came from the door. [color=green]"Ah!"[/color] Kotori went in surprise - not necessarily at the knock, but rather the fact that, instead of the door opening, a voice spoke from the other side. In particular, not Shizuka's voice, whom she'd have expected, but instead a male voice that called out for the club president. Standing up, Kotori hoped that the unexpected appearance was perhaps a friend of Matthew's who had come looking for him and would prove to be a distraction - even as the door was opened just a scant few moments later when Shizuka had seemingly arrived to and entered the clubroom; an unfamiliar boy standing behind her. Kotori quickly glanced between all three before giving a bow in greeting to the two new arrivals: [color=green]"Ah, good afternoon, Otonashi-san..."[/color] she said before readjusting her glasses that had slightly slipped in the surprise. Unfamiliar with the other boy - the previous glance revealing his uniform to be that of a first year much like Shizuka - Kotori didn't know what to call him nor how he related to either of the other two; leaving her to nervously glance between Matthew and Shizuka as to whether they would instead take the lead in such a situation - even whilst she couldn't quite help but worry slightly if everything was alright between the other two club members, given what she'd inadvertently overhead before.