[@Balthazar007] Grey did realize that Adam was useful for at least this much. [b]"Yeah, I can deal with following him since he knows the way. It's nice to meet you Ricardo. Maybe I can help you pick out some good clothes, they have so amazing and weird clothes here."[/b] At a second glance at Grey anyone from 2016 and would see his outfit as lazy and borderline that of a homeless man. They began to follow Adam down the blocks with a few twists and turns. The blocks were very well laid out and seemed to cut off quickly and start a new culture, with streets to divide them. One of the blocks was almost entirely a majestic castle. Some stands were located all around it and it had several entrances to the castle. He had seen a similar fort before, but it was odd to see one here. He then realized that everything he saw was strange and out of place. He then noticed a place that was very beautiful with architecture he had never seen before. It even had a lot of pools and waterfalls spread throughout it as well. He decided to quickly talk to one of the vendors. [b]"Hey, what is this place."[/b] "This is supposed to represnt Atlantis." The vendor quickly responded. Grey didn't really have time to respond to the vendor as he kept walking with Ricardo and Adam. He was very suprised to hear that was Atlantis. He thought it was only a myth, but there was a block for it. This place got even more interesting. The three finally reached the store. The buildings in the area were all shaped in the same way, and seemed like several vendors were a part of one building. They went into the clothing store for the area. It had a lot of the nice weird clothing that he had been talking about earlier. Maybe Ricardo knew of these clothes already.