Aresa noticed another Padawan eagerly running through the ship to examine the planet, though quickly followed her master down the ramp when she started exit the ship, she could instantly feel the hot and humid air as it hit her, [color=7ea7d8]“Wow, it sure is hot here.”[/color] She couldn't help but say, though she knew they were here for an important mission, stopping the Seps. She 'glanced' over at the trooper that approached her master, listening to the conversation, she wanted to be useful, though she wasn't sure how her impending question would be received, she had to try nonetheless. [color=7ea7d8]“Master, if it's alright, may I scout ahead? I won't take any action if I see something and if it's alright with one of the other Masters, another Padawan could come with me along with two or three troopers.”[/color] [@Xiphonic] ______________________________ Amber couldn't help but smile a little at his eagerness, she wish she had been able to be like that when she was younger, she slowly followed him to the exiting ramp of the ship, feeling the Dark Side more strongly now, but she did her best to resist, like a caged beast inside her, begging for the thing that been taken away from it. When she finally reached the ramp, watching troops and other Jedi Knights and Padawans line up to exit, Amber decided to speak to her student, [color=f7941d]“Listen, I know you're excited for this mission, but you must not go running off like that, especially on a planet like this that's strong with dark energy, alright?”[/color] She felt that going for a calm approach that out right scolding him would deliever her message better, not to mention perhaps she had wanted him to like her, that being another reason why she couldn't be so firm with him as other Masters might have been to their students. When they finally exited the ship, she too felt the humidity of the planet and agreed with Aresa when she over heard her, [color=f7941d]'You can say that again kid.'[/color] She thought to herself as troopers began to set up defensive points and make shift bases. [@smarty0114]