Stepping out of pastry shop, Corvo threw a glance across the square and spotted quite an unusual sight. A white raven the size of a peacock, beak and claws blood red, was staring at him with yellow eyes. It let out an eagle's screech at Corvo and then turned around, hoped a couple of times, turned back to him and took off through one of of the main streets leaving the square. Corvo dashed in its pursuit through the wide and busy avenues of downtown Sayrn. The beast took seemingly random turns in increasingly smaller and less frequented streets until it landed after a good hour, on top of a four stories apartment building. Corvo rushed through the door and ran up the stairs before reaching the locked roof door which kicked down. The bird was waiting in front of the door, it stared at him for a couple of seconds before taking off again over the flat roofs and narrow streets of the city's poorer neighbourhoods."Oh come on" grunted Corvo as the bird was no longer following the streets and flew in a bee line to whichever place it was leading him to. Corvo took a deep breath and a running start before jumping to the next roof only a few meters away. Jumping from roof to roof, he somehow made his way to the other side of the city where the bird had landed in the street in front of a dark wooden door. Corvo slid down the roof on a pipe and pushed the screechy door of the tavern. He scanned the room and the people in it and then slowly walked to the bar and signed the barman for a drink.