[b]penny[/b] [@burthstone][@silver fox] Penny looked over to Malice, [color=f7976a]"in case you haven't noticed, I'm kinda messed up. I had no intention of harming the birds. They flew into my flames"[/color] She turned her attention back to Grant. Penny just smiled, and then she was moving. She drew herself in close. [color=f7976a]"I don't need physical attacks to take you out. Sorry Karn. I'll try and wake you as soon as possible"[/color] it was better to get rid of the, really, blackmail quickly, and to prevent any more harm to karn. She was as close as she was going to get to Grant. [color=f7976a]"Phoenix Song: Sleep"[/color] no one else in the event should hear the song. It was soft, played down so it wouldn't spread, and it was quite, calming, and sleep inducing. It could be resisted, but it would certainly make the target lathargic. [color=f7976a]"Let Karn Go, and perhaps I will release the song"[/color] It was clear though that Penny wasn't quite stable. [b]mastee Jamie[/b] [@joshua tamashii] Master Jamie smiled, [color=f26522]"how about we have some fairy cakes later? Our day out got a bit ruined, didn't it? We can go to a tea shop, would you like that Elyse? You could have some fun with Sam"[/color] the older girl smiled, and waved at Elyse happily, around a lollipop [b]michael[/b][@silver fox] The sheer force of the contestants seemed to fill the arena, and Michael had to wonder if it would be dangerous to the participants. The crowd seemed excited, something Michael didn't really understand. The games were fascinating, but this just seemed like throwing the contestants into a fire and hoping for a catastrophe. [color=00a651]"I don't think this event was a good idea. There's too much tension, isn't there? I think someone is going to get seriously hurt"[/color]