[b]Ryan Alon - Warakuma High School; Hallways | Thursday, June 18 2015 - After School[/b] Ryan jumped when a voice rang out from near him. [i]'I am suddenly glad I didn't run. That would've looked very stupid.'[/i] He thought to himself as he turned to Shizuka. She was a member of his class if he recalled correctly. "Oh, um, hello Otonashi-senpai! No wait, wrong suffix. Otonashi-san! Hello Otonashi-san!" Ryan was feeling the heat already. Running might be an option still. When Shizuka invited him in he he nodded nervously. Not that she saw, she had already entered. "Yes, I was wondering if the club was free to join? If not, that's okay, I can just go if I need to." The door suddenly opened and Ryan reflexively straightened his posture as if he was still in military school. [i]'What are you doing? You're making yourself look like an idiot! Calm down and get your act together!'[/i] Ryan took a deep breath and relaxed. His shoulders weren't nearly as stiff and he looked better, but there was still a nervous glint in his eyes. "Would you happen to be the club president by any chance? I was looking to join Agriculture club." Ryan said calmly as he looked at Kotori, BUT NOT IN THE EYES THAT WOULD BE WEIRD.