Thomas had been feeling heady all day, a little less than real and scatterbrained, seeing himself in laces and not remebering walking from lace to place. It was normal behavior he knew to ignore the insignificant things, but this was getting out of hand. Lunch came and he was shocked that the amount of food he piled up was as much as the varsity carbo-loading. As bad as it was to buy that much food was the fact that he ate it all, six slices of pizza, 2 cartons of milk, three trays of chillicheesefries and two helpings of what they laughed to call fried fish. He wolfed it all down but was still hungry and spacing out. Thankfully the bell rang and he was off to the library for his 'teachers aide' class for the school librarian. Mostly it was 30 minutes of putting the books away pulled from lunch and a half hour for his own studies, he would normal knock out one of the first three periods homework with all the class books kept in stock in the library, on fridays he'd usually chew on another book of poetry or language to pass the time. Today though, today was weird. He kept dropping books or getting dizzy and ending up across the library where he wanted to put a book away. Once he could fight back the nausea, he stood perfectly still, concentrated really hard about the Xerox machine, felt the nausea, and looked down to see himself in the middle of it like a ghost. [color=f7976a][h1]"HOLY FUCK I'M DEAD!"[/h1][/color] He jumped back and went through the wall and came out in the fiction/supernatural section with enough force to knock a book off the shelf, landing on his head. *bonk*[color=f7976a] "Ow.... Not dead."[/color] Looking to the book, it was on the the graphic novel of eXcalibur with shadowcat and nightcrawler. He tried really hard to not pop around the library but he did try focusing on putting his hand through things rather than teleporting since he did not want to pop into something solid and get stuck, or worse, killed. That was how he spent the better part of a half hour coming to terms with being ghostly. After lunch and library was Gym which he was now currently dreading and Math with Miss Velmont to finish the day. In gym he cited a stomach ache with witnesses to his gorging himself at lunch and was made to take a lap around the ENTIRE school for an hour. This thought this could give him a limited opportunity to test his teleportation on empty straightaways if he could find secluded spots like behind the bleachers and the like. But like [url=]batman with a bomb[/url], he could NOT find a moment when anyone wasn't in line of sight. The gods were conspiring against him! Lastly was math, math for a final class was an utter torture. More than once he tried to make a gris-gris of pocket watches in order to speed up sixth period, but it just seemed to stretch on like elastic. Even the teacher seemed as bored with the class as the students were, this compunded with his scatterbrained mind envisioning himself out of there already did not help! He grabbed into his spiked bracelet to keep himself grounded so that he didn't teleport out of class, a lack of a hall ass would be the least of his problems. Finally the final bell and he is FREE- until the announcement for lots of people to come to the office, including the teacher, him, Carol, and someone named [i]Oliver[/i]. He could feel fate starting to bend him over the table as he followed alongside the teacher to the principals office. Looking around, he saw the cookie cutter from this morning, the guy near the burning trash this morning with his jacket and [i]that[/i] [u]Oliver[/u]. He shot another mind spike of 'traitor' to Oliver before looking away as the teacher spoke up. "This is about my teaching methods isn't it? You're all complaining about it and hoping to get me fired, right?" [color=khaki]"I don't know about anyone else Ms. Velmont, but I'm not here for that. I don't really know what I'm here for."[/color] [color=f7976a]"Just tell me what the quadratic equation is useful for, 'Negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac squared over 2a.' Tell me how I use that for anything useful and i'll petition you for teacher of the year."[/color] He looked over to Carol and cocked his head to the side, something was off but he couldn't place it. Then again, he might be scatterbrained from everything going on today. But looking over the group, he dared to ask: [color=f7976a]"Anyone else have a weird dream last night?"[/color]