The ship landed. Eric felt the heavy thud, then the command to exit the vessel. One padawan stormed off, then the others. Eric sat thee a moment longer, if only because he rather enjoyed the metal seat he was rested on. "Well, we best not leave the others waiting." Eric said as he stood and made his way out of the ship. Felucia was a rather humid planet, hot too. A mixture that promised interesting and exotic lifeforms, which was already evident by the towering multicolored plants surrounding the landing zone. Calling over to where his apprentice should be assuming the padawan followed his master Eric said, [color=9e0b0f]"Hope you like it here, going to be home for a month at least, longer if this gets drawn out."[/color] Eric would then make his way to where some clones were setting up defenses, ensuring that the earthen palisades were sturdy, that the gun emplacements were logically located. Of course, the clone engineers knew what they were doing though none of them said as such to their Jedi commander, was poor form to after all.