Encountering another Human being had become... risky, nerve racking even. This was not a normal world anymore, nothing like what it was six years ago. You never knew who you could trust, some people seemed nice, but were they really? I mean, why put in hard work, dangerous hard work I might add, to scavenge and run around the city looking for supplies, when you can just take them from another person. People are not like they were in the past. Nice people, kind people, generous people even. They were weak, and the weak don't survive anymore, only the strong survive in this world. Sometimes questionable actions are... unavoidable. It's a learning curve really. They say the first time you kill a person, it feels terrible. The second times, it's bad but nothing like the first time. By the third time you've pulled that trigger, well, you won't be feeling much anymore. Alex had spend the night on top of a small clothing store overlooking the canal. He chose this particulair building because it had a small and narrow alleyway, it was historical really. One person could just about walk back and forth, but it couldn't fit two people at once, a real death trap through the eyes of one, but an oppertunity to the eyes of another. With such a narrow space between the walls you could lean your back against one and place your hand and feet against the other. Then slowly but surely you could work your way up and climb on the roof. If getting onto a roof wasn't incredibly time consuming or really difficult, it wouldn't be secure enough to spend the night, atleast not in his eyes. If there was an easy way to get up a building, there was a chance one of the infected might wander up and surprise you in your sleep. If the way up was time consuming or difficult, a Human being might just skip your building and climb up the next one down the road. Over the years he had learned many tricks to deceive the infected, one of those tricks was bird calls. Strangely enough, birds were always around. They didn't seem to be able to get the disease, even when picking at a rotting corpse, they'd proceed to fly away like nothing happened. Strange, but fortunate. If you were in a tight spot a simple bird call could receive multiple answers, which ment sounds coming from multiple directions. It had become a habit to make a few bird calls from the roof that he stayed on before decending. The infected had a way of pretending they were a corpse, staying silent unless provoked with a noise. A birdcall, a loud one, usually stirred up to ones pretending to be dead. It was better to have all the infected up on their feet then have one clawing at yours when you run past an overturned vehicle or some rubble. Today was different however, he was about to attract the attention from the birds around him when he noticed some turmoil across the canal. It seemed as though that the infected, atleast those that he could see, were distracted and more tense then usual. Something had happened, someone or something that provoked them, they were hunting, looking for a prey that had disappeared. A minute or so of staring later, he gatched a glimpse of something unusual. A man clad in military clothing, stolen perhaps. Like he stole the gear of a deceased police officer. Ironically, the very green camouflage that was supposed to protect him in the field, was the thing that exposed him. The man had peeked his interest, perhaps the infected would get to him. Surely the man had supplies, a dead man wouldn't have any need for those anymore. Perhaps this day of scouting would turn into a day of waiting for the infected to clear from the man's corpse so his gear could be retrieved. Time would tell, he had not sunk to rob people just yet, though he certainly wouldn't challenge someone with a military grade rifle.