Dani's attention was slowly diverted away from Paul as others piled into the room. The Zombie was the first to distract her and Dani snorted slightly at the accusation that they were all there for the sole purpose of getting her into trouble. "Not everything is about you." she said with a roll of her eyes. She actually felt a little bit bad for the teacher. But only a little. Stuck in a dead end job, convinced that everyone hated you? That was sad. Ms Velmont was practically the polar opposite of Dani. Dani had tons of energy and a drive to go as far as humanly possible while the zombie just seemed lethargic and depressed. But that didn't mean Dani wanted her to get fired. And then there was Tim, asking if anyone else had a weird dream. Dani tensed at the memory of her own dream. The dream had given her the creeps. The fact that Tim, who was actually in her dream, had also had a weird dream just made her even more creeped. She was uncomfortable with everything that was going on right now. And when Dani got uncomfortable, she got catty...Or more catty than usual. "Aren't all your dreams weird, Lestat?" she practically hissed. The comment was uncalled for and she knew that but she wasn't going to apologize. "And is no one going to comment on Benjamin Button over here?" she asked the room, throwing a thumb towards Paul next to her while looking incredulously at everyone else.