[@Sohtem] The air on Felucia was negligible compared to the Dark energy she could feel. Not only was the planet Dark, but the presence of Droids and Grevious served to amplify the effect. The other Acclemators had landed and thousands of Clones were scrambling to prepare for coming attacks. At-TEs dotted the perimeter in defense. Speeder squads were already heading out to scout and hunt droids. The Aresa spoke of going to scout ahead. [color=a187be]"I am sorry but I simply can not allow that. We are already assigned to hunt for enemy probes, I am sure we will get to see much of the surrounding area. But a plan is already set, another team is assigned to that role. We will fulfill our task until reassigned. Is that clear?"[/color] Niremon did not speak in a scolding manner, but more of a firm, control taking voice. Their ability to sense what others could not was part of the reason they were chosen to seek out the stealthier enemy Recon. Three squads approached the group. The leader of the squad in blue spoke up, [color=0076a3]"We are squad eight, we will be walking for our search to be effective. We are at your service Commander Niremon."[/color] They would be hunting with them. The leaders in red and orange stepped up, the red one spoke, [color=f7976a]"We are squad Five and they are squad seven, we will be taking speeders as we gather intel. We are at your service commander Amber."[/color] It was time to move out for the leaving teams. [color=a187be]"May the Force be with you."[/color] Nire said to the other Knights and their Padawans as she started off with the blue team.