Reena "Aright, just got to get to the Peterson's and see if they got everything tacked up." Her mare beneath her she held her seat, the sound of breaths from the animal and leather rubbing was sounding like gun shots in the woods. She was a few miles from her barn, not too far from the small town that everyone used. So why was it so quiet? "This is getting insane" clicking her tongue to get Epona moving, the thumps of hooves entering the noise, every twig that snapped caused her to look up. The usual trails that they had gone through so many times her mare refused to cross. "Aright, Aright, we'll go a different way okay." She knew the rules, never force your animal one way when in the wilderness, there was something out there. She couldn't figure out what it was, she hadn't see the dead walking, all she knew was that something was beyond wrong, the cross bow that thumped on her back was a reminder of the nagging in the back of her head. Looking around she pulled the reins back, her breath caught in her throat when she saw a girl in the dirt. "Hey, hey come on wake up." A smooth motion she dismounted, boots crunching through the dried leaves as she made her way to the blond. Laying on her back she looked to be in a Daze, Reena knelt down beside her. "Hey, don't move too fast, anything hurt?" Looking over her shoulder she only saw Epona, the mare's head still up, ears perked yet she didn't seem to be at a stand to run at a moment's notice. "Come on, I can give you a ride back to your house, its not safe out here."