[@Always] (Its fine) Standing up Reen moved back to her horse, working with the saddle she unclasped the leather strap to pull out a steel bottle. "So, did the idiots turn you away or something? I been looking for my stable hand, shorter kid, blond hair, brown eyes, kinda stutters at times." Speaking as she walked over she offered the bottle. "Don't drink too fast, you look exhausted." Yet something was off with what she said. "What do you mean? What is what?" Standing up she began to look around once more, her mare lowing it's head finally. "Well whatever you're worried about, Epona doesn’t seem to notice it, and trust me she'll tell ya if your in danger or not, can tell whats commin way before we see it." Her voice having a vary light hint of an accent she knelt down by the girl, looking at her eyes to make sure she wasn't concussed. "Do you live around here? I'm offering you a ride back home I was on my way to the Peteron's anyway."