[center][h3]Juliann[/h3][/center] In her usual fashion, Juliann cut the illusion away in the blink of an eye. The only thing that could be heard was the sound of her sword being sheathed again. Cupido. Another teacher around here. [color=yellow][b]"I need not your promotion, thank you very much."[/b][/color] Juliann sighed and then turned a harsh glare to Cupido. [color=yellow][b]"If you keep your mouth shut, then I will not mind your staying here."[/b][/color] Juliann then relaxed her posture again and remained attentive of whoever might come her way, asking for her services. In... the not perverted way of course. She'd probably slice anyone in half who dared suggest something like that. [color=yellow][b]"Okay... forgive my outburst. I just tend to get carried away when I believe someone is making fun of me, which you were clearly doing. As long as you can keep your stupid comments to yourself, I am sure I can put up with you for a while."[/b][/color] She was already feeling ashamed enough without this guy making fun of her and her, err, 'training'. [hr] [@BlackPanther]